
12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Hide the red background behind the gather % bar, only show the white bar graph
1 Year Ago
Tweak aimcone simulation to show accurate aimcone stat
1 Year Ago
Reword aim cone -> spread to match ammo description Reorder stats for guns
1 Year Ago
Show "0%" gather instead of hiding the UI to make it easier to compare gather of different tools Hide gather if the tool / weapon can't gather anything at all
1 Year Ago
Add units to ammo info panel Move spread below other ammo stats so it's easier to compare ammo types Add m/s as a unit
1 Year Ago
Change aimcone slider scale from 0-4, reverse slider direction Save info panels as disabled
1 Year Ago
Fix slider range being 0-1 instead of 0-100
1 Year Ago
Fix weapon gather effiency not multiplying by 100 Fix weapon attack speed being 1 decimal point instead of 2
1 Year Ago
Refactor previous code changes to be configurable in the prefab - can now switch between meters, seconds, degrees or percent in ui prefab - can configure decimal point override Split display of weapon mod "Accuracy" info into Aimcone, Hip Aimcone & Sway
1 Year Ago
Show melee range as "-0.25m" or "+1.1m" instead of "1.5m" - probably going to change it to percentage instead Remove bar from attack range Fix melee attack speed bar going right to left
1 Year Ago
Missed unsaved .cs file
1 Year Ago
Change Fire Rate & Attack Rate from "450" -> 0.13s - renamed attack rate -> attack speed for melee weapons Change Gather from "30" -> 80% - don't show gather speed, only show gather efficiency % Change Accuracy from "4" -> "0.2° - 1.8°" - shows min & max aimcone value based on recoil - old value only took into account the bullet's accuracy, not the weapon's accuracy Add meters on the end of range (450 -> 450m)