15 Commits over 123 Days - 0.01cph!
Added support for multiple IViewmodelComponents on a single viewmodel
Added BlunderbussViewmodel component that adds a shotsLeft state and lerps between three layers based on how many shells are left
Merge from world_update_2
Fixed missing capitalisation on item name
Added a new Particle system Ik fix using a new component - ParticleSystemPostIK
Instead of manually repositioning each particle in a job like the old system, this just runs Simulate in a LateUpdate after the IK pass so we preserve all the behaviour of the particle system
Requires Particle Systems to have Play On Awake turned off, so this won't work for systems that need to be toggled on and off
Remove changes introduced in vm_rotate_around_modifier, no longer needed
Remove the swayMuzzle transform and set the rotate around muzzle point to 0.7
Merge from vm_rotate_around_modifier (includes changes from main)
Add an override muzzle point field to the VIewmodelSway component to allow us to reposition how the viewmodel rotates when quickly spinning the camera
Reload animation shows the correct shell being loaded via events rather than in an update (see UpdateAmmo event on reload and deploy)
Setup SwapAmmo IViewmodelComponent, turns on and off prefabs based on the currently loaded ammo type