userJarryd Campicancel

32 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Years Ago
Lowered shader lod level of the lit text shader used on skull trophies (300 -> 100)
3 Years Ago
Changed skull text face colour and moved it out slightly on the default trophy
4 Years Ago
Tweaked positioning of label on default trophy and table trophy
4 Years Ago
Changed skull trophy text material to a lit version so it responds to light
4 Years Ago
Fixed curved text typo
4 Years Ago
Slightly darkened trophy text
4 Years Ago
Fixed being able to stack skull trophies
4 Years Ago
Fixed skull trophy not loading properly on client
4 Years Ago
▇▌▉▄▄ ▉▌▊▊ ▋▆▆▇▅ ▍▇▋▊▉▊▄▉▆▊ ▌▇▍ ▆▊▉▍▋ ▄█▌ █
4 Years Ago
Increase icon sizes even more
4 Years Ago
Update item icons Fixed rotation issue on a spike
4 Years Ago
▆▄▅▍▉▇ ▇▆▆▍ ▌▊█▅▆ ▋▍▉ ▋▇▉▋▍ ▊▇▄▄▋▉
4 Years Ago
▄▇▍▋▌▅▊▆█▋ ▇▄▇▍▄
4 Years Ago
▄▋▉▆▍▇ ▋▆▆▄▍█▍ ▍▊▋
4 Years Ago
▉█▍▄▉▉ ▆▋▄▊▅ ▊▇█▍▅ ▆▍▉▌▇▉▇ ▉█▆▆ ▅▄▇ ▆▊▋
4 Years Ago
█▌▉▊▊ ▋▇▋▌ ▍▋▄▍
4 Years Ago
▇▊▋ ▋▋▆▉▊ ▇█▋▍▅▆ ▋█▊ ▆▇▉▉▄▇█▌ ▇▅██▉▍▄▇ ▅▌ ▊ ▍▍▅▌ ▋▉▍▅▅ ▆▆▍▆▆█.▇▅▇▋▇▇▆▍█▅▅ ▆▋ █▊▉▄ █▄█▋▅█ ▋▄▄▅▆▊▅ ▅▅▅▅▊▌ ▄▇ ▉▇▋▍ ▋ ▋▊▆ (▅▋█ ▊▆▉▆ ▌▊▅▊ ▉ ▋▆▅▍, ▇▆▄▍▄▊▌▌▉ ▊▌ ▋▊▌█ ▋ ▅▋▍█▌▄ ▍▉▍▇) ██▅█▊▇▆ ▋▊█▊▊ ▅▉▍▊▄▉ ▊▉▅▌▋▍█ ▍▇▊▅ ▆▇█ ▄▋▆▇▊▄ ▄▉█▍▅ ▍ ▄█▊▇▉▆▍▇▍ █▅▉▊ ▆▍▊▍▉▊▇▄▆ ▊▇▆▉▄▍█
4 Years Ago
▆▍▉▉▄▄▍ ▊▊▆▇▆ ▄▅▉▊▅▉ ▅▆▋▉ ▇▇▆▉▍▋, ▋▋▋█▍▍▋█ ▄▌▄█▅ ▌▉▉▍▍▆ ▌▊█▋▊▌
4 Years Ago
█▇▇▌▌ ▉ ▋▊▅▍ ▌▅ ▇█▇ ▅▄▆▆▆ ▍▋▆▋ ▋▇▍█ ▌▋█▍█▄▅▌▅ ▆▍ ▄▉▌▍█, ▍▆▍▇ ▅▋▉ █▊ ▋▇▊ ▄▉▅█ ▉▇▋██▌ ▊▆▆█▍▋▆ ▅▋▅▌
4 Years Ago
▍▄▊▊▇▊ ▇▅▄▊▄ █▊▍▊▉▊
4 Years Ago
▇▅▉ ▍▄ ▄▍▊▊█▌▄▉▇ ▉▊▇▋▄ ▋█▋▊▇▇ ▌▉▍▋ ▉▄▍▌▍▋▊▌ ▉▆▋ █▋▊ ▍▌▊▊▆ ▋ ▅▄▊▋▍ ▉▉▉▅▊▆ ▉▄ ▌ ▅█▍▅▉
4 Years Ago
▌▌▌▋▉ ▅▉▅▉ ▅▅▆▌
4 Years Ago
▋▅▋▌▅ ▄▆▉▊▊▅▇ ▄▌▋ ▊▆▌██▆ ▌▉▍▍ ▇▍▄▄ ▅▅▊ ▆▇█▊▄▆ ▅▅▄ ▄▍▆▆▉█▌ █▄▇ ▋▆▄▋▍ ▉▋▌▌▅▅ █▉█▉▄▊█▄▊▄ ▋▇▇▅▍ ▆▋█▍▄▊▄ ▌▇▇ ▅▊█▄▆▇ ▇▍▌▉ █▋▊ █▋█ ▇▇▆▄▍ ▊▉▍▇▄█▌▅ ▉▇▊▅ ▆▍▄ ▍▄ █▋█▇█ ▊▉█▄▍
4 Years Ago
▋█▍▉▍ ▉▆▍█▍▌ ▄▄▄▌ ▌▄▇▊█
4 Years Ago
▋▍▉▅▄▋▇▍ + ▅▆▇█▊▍█
4 Years Ago
▆▊▌▍▉ ▍▌█▄ ▌▊▊▍
4 Years Ago
▇▌▌▇▉ ▍▍▇ ▄▄▅██▊▋▍▄▊█▌▊ ▌▍▉▅▊▇ ▍▋ ▉▉▊▍▊▄▌ ▌▆▆ ▊▊█▍▌ ▆▊▄▅▊ █▉ ▆▇▊▋█▍ ▇▅▍▊ ▄▊ █▉▉█▌▊▌▅▋▇ ▋▆▅ ▍▅▇▉▉▅ ▆▆▄▇
4 Years Ago
▆▆█▍▊▆ ▄▇ ▌▇▊▌▄▊ ▇▋▅ ██▄▇▇▊ ▌▍▇ ▊▊▅▍ ▌▅▅▉▇▋▆▌▍▉ ▄▍▌▊ ▅▍▇▅ █▆▆ ▇▌▆▇▌ ▊▊▍▆▉▇
4 Years Ago
▅▉▆ ▊▍▍▇▇ ▄▅▆▆▍█ ▅▍▊▋▆
4 Years Ago
▊▆▉██ ▅▍▌▍▋▉ █▆▍█ ▇▆▄▆▇ █▊█ █▇▌ "▊▇▆▇▆ ▆▇" █▌██ ▅▋ ▉▊ ▍▌▌█ ▋▍▄▌ ▆█▅ ▌▌▍▍▋▅ ▅▊█▉ ▊▊ ▉▆▄ ▌▅▍▍ ▅▇▊▊█
4 Years Ago
▌▄▊ █▍▄▋▆ ▆▋▊▄█▇ ▇▄▍▆█
4 Years Ago
▋█▆▄▄ ▇▌▆▍ ▄▅█▄