13 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed water check
Add a kinematic rigidbody to the bee swarm, seems to fix bees not hurting sleeping players as they don't have a rigidbody
Disabling pooling on deployed beehive (hopefully temporary until we figure out what the issue is)
Fixed being able to lock beehives
Disabled motion vectors on bee particles in vm, fixes smearing with motion blur
Bee grenade no longer spawns bee swarms underwater
Increase timer on bee grenade to 6s, so it can fly for 6s before exploding in mid-air
Means it will almost always hit something first
Fixed bee grenade wm missing outline
Merge from crafting_update
Can no longer place deployed beehive in water
Increased cull range on natural beehive
Merge from bees/nucleus_fix
Temporarily wrapped the BaseAnimalNPC error, will print out the offending npc every 10s to stop overwhelming the logs