
51 Commits over 31 Days - 0.07cph!

Reduced cook time to 1 second
- Prefab cleanup (split client + server nicely) - Add temporary bee buzzing sounds to beehives, natural hives and swarms
Can now cook Honeycomb in a furnace to produce Jars of Honey quickly
- Changed honeycomb stack size to 100 - Removed logs
Trees call combat entity die on tree destruction rather than kill
hackweek_swarms -> bees
5 Days Ago
Missing files
5 Days Ago
- Created Nucelus Grading system (grade initial hive based nuclei to 0 xp, grade 3) - Increase a Nucleus's XP when honeycomb is created - Swapped Nucleus to use ItemMod - Created Nucleus Information Panel - Display Raw Nucleus XP if it has any - Comments added to Tree Entity changes - Lootpanel added to GameUI
6 Days Ago
- 100% chance for natural beehive to spawn on oak_c (just for testing) - Honeycomb worldmodel fixes - Added ability to change tree additive rotation - Better handling on death of the tree - Natural hive drops two sets of honeycomb
6 Days Ago
Created system that allows trees to spawn/handle an entity attached to them (will be used for natural hives)
6 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees
7 Days Ago
Beehive now stings you if you take honeycomb
7 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees
7 Days Ago
- Nucleus amount type set to genetics - Natural Beehive changes - Honeycomb changes - Adjust deployed hive volumes
8 Days Ago
- Swapped to a flags approach - Set max inventory size to 7 to sort the last greyed out icon
8 Days Ago
Fixed incorrect Lootpanel phrases
8 Days Ago
Bee swarm scale effects with springs
8 Days Ago
Integrate my item mod swap changes with jakes
8 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees (merge conflicts)
8 Days Ago
Implement simple programmer and more advanced designer friendly springs. Will use these for scale animations
8 Days Ago
- Profile socket mod inside, i'm going to be using it a lot - Natural beehive file cleanup
8 Days Ago
main -> bees
13 Days Ago
Missing files
13 Days Ago
- Huge simplification of bee generation - Depends on Nucleus now
13 Days Ago
- Changed wording to nucleus rather than nuclei, as it is singluar after all - Setup proper worldmodel scripts on nuclei and jar of honey - Created beehive lootpanel
13 Days Ago
missing .mat
13 Days Ago
missing texture
13 Days Ago
honeynuclei world model LODS materials and textures
13 Days Ago
- Changed honey jar sounds - Nuclei item cleanup
13 Days Ago
New honey jar icon
13 Days Ago
Missing files
13 Days Ago
- Setup honeycomb and honey consumption - Setup extract modifier on honeycomb which has a chance to drop a nuclei - Updated nuclei path - Changed item names
13 Days Ago
- Cleanup item ItemModSwap - Added support for weighting, can make one item more/less likely to drop
13 Days Ago
Added nuclei prefab Moved beehive natural path
13 Days Ago
- Added honeycomb image + world model (just using natural hive for it) - Added jar of image item, image + world model
13 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees
14 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees
15 Days Ago
- added new flying bee model, texture and material. - updated walking bee material and textures - added walking bee VM
15 Days Ago
Blockout position update
15 Days Ago
Beehive Blockout Update
15 Days Ago
cookingv2 -> bees
16 Days Ago
Added walking bee model, textures and materials
17 Days Ago
- Added natural beehive (drops honeycomb) - Honeycomb description - Manifest
17 Days Ago
Angry bee swarm experiments
20 Days Ago
- Code cleanup - Can pickup hive if theres no honeycomb left inside (you lose the bees inside on pickup)
20 Days Ago
- Added honeycomb - Beehive now stores items (honeyomb) - Beehives generate more honeycomb the more bees are inside - Bee's wont generate unless theres some initial honeycomb inside the hive
20 Days Ago
Swapped beehive prefab over to using new blockout
20 Days Ago
main -> bees
24 Days Ago
- Basic blockout for beehive
25 Days Ago
- Adjust optimal temperature values - Bees now make honey relative to population (stored in ml) - Logs