87 Commits over 29 Days - 0.13cph!
Fixed containers not getting properly parented to cargo ship after a server reboot if the server was shut down while the cranes were working
Adjusted resting position of container pickup cranes so the arm rests at around 40 degrees, should make it easier to climb when not moving containers
S2p both harbors
Fixed rotation on hanging ladder on rotating crane
Fixed cargo ship not finding nearby cranes if more than one harbor was in the world at a time
Put a heap of debug logs in case this still doesn't fix the issue
Fix swing bridge moving on the Y slightly when it opens and closes at harbor_1
Enable r/w on swing bridge collision meshes
Another tugboat spawn change for harbor_2
Moved tugboat spawns in both harbors to the other side of the island
Shrink container spawn check slightly
Adjusted cargo dock position in harbor_2
Removed all RendererBatch components from the container dressing
Marked all MeshCull scripts in the dressing as dynamic
Don't spawn containers if an entity is blocking the spawn point (includes players, vehicles and deployables)
Other slots should pick up the slack and get more spawns but if all slots are occupied no containers will spawn a ship docks
Clear any existing cargo containers on a ship when docking process begins
Adjusted cargo ship docking position at harbor_1 so that the swing bridge can close
Fixed the second static crane not swinging out of the way when the ship departs
Fixed spawn.cargoshipdockingtest not working if more than one harbor is in the world
Make cargo ship door LODs dynamic
Add a climbable net to the static cranes if the Reserved1 flag is set to true
Enabled on the shore side crane
S2P harbor_1
Moved a container spawn point to the other side of the road in harbor_2 so the move won't require the crane to clip through the cargo bridge (hopefully)
Full S2P of both harbors with HLOD
Use the highest point out of all of the spawn points as the "ceiling" of a set of container moves - fixes containers clipping through other containers on the cargo ship during movement when being placed lower than the top layer of containers.
Fix containers getting spawned too high if a cargo ship docked at the same port multiple times while a server was up
Add a crush trigger to the bottom of the harbor containers when descending
Fixed a case where harbor cranes would spawn and have slightly different arm angles between client and server, leading to flyhack kicks due to differing collider positions
Adjusted container crane movement so that the ship mast doesn't clip with the hanging container
spawn.cargoshipdockingtest no longer needs a parameter if only one harbor is present on the map
Fixed bridge spawn curves on both harbors by implementing a new UseToggleMode option on the proximity manager
When this new mode is enabled you can use a constant curve mode and the entity will move over time to match the desired point, this allows the bridge to continue to move even when the cargo ship has come to a rest
Fixed swing bridge not marked dynamic LOD
Fixed new cranes missing metal bullet impact fx
Fixed misaligned harbor drop points
Fixed swing bridge not swinging on harbor_1
Fixed ramps on both sides of the swing bridge swinging with the bridge
S2P both harbors
Added a collider to the arm piece that grabs containers on the crane
Fix container dressing prop LODs not marked as dynamic
Disable log spam for proximity manager
Harbor_1 curve adjustments
Update harbor_2 docking points to better fit new cargo ship handling
Update BasePath.GetPathProgress to work purely off the supplied position rather than an index, use dot checks to determine where in the path the position is
Fix cargo ship not restarting it's LeaveHarbor invoke on a load
Fix some parent colliders with negative scale
Hooked up three interior variants for the containers that get picked up and dropped on the cargo ship
Update harbor_1 movement prefabs
Add a debug visualisation to the harbor proximity manager
94449, causes ships to get stuck when docking
Hooked up the sunken crates animation on harbor_2
Angle the ship directly at the target in TriggeredEventSpawnDockingTest to reduce excessive turning
Adjusted parenting layers on swing bridge to support ragdolls, dropped items and other vehicles
Set up proximity manager for harbor 2
First pass swing bridge
Cranes reset to their starting angle after a move
Cranes now adjust the height during the move if placing the container on a really high destination
Setup harbor_2 cranes and container spawn points
Applied new container spawn point decal art, removed placeholder white cube
Initial docking path for harbor_2
Fix container doors getting deleted when moving onto cargo ship
Adjust docked cargo position for better container access
Big crane refactor
Split out the existing crane into three separate classes - HarborCrane, HarborCraneContianerPickup, HarborCraneStatic
Implement new variety of crane that can be preset to a specific extension/height and will eventually support parenting
Add this re enabled static crane into the HarborProximityManager so it rotates out of the way when the boat passes
Re-enabled the static crane on harbor_1 and converted it into this new crane type
Added a 4th crane to harbor_1, this new crane can pickup and drop containers on the opposite side of the cargo ship
First pass on swing bridge functionality
See Moves array on HarborProximitymanager, contains an entry for each entity to move which includes a start point, end point and a curve to control where the entity will rest between those two points based on the normalised path of the cargo ship through it's docking waypoints
Boilerplate harbor proximity manager to move objects as the cargo ship gets close
Fix container Ids
Split the base off of the crane and rotate the entre entity rather than a child
This allows us to parent the player to the crane platform while it rotates
S2P harbor_1