userJarryd Campicancel

3 Commits over 31 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove dryfire sfx event from start of v_semi_pistol@slide_back, fixes sfx playing when switching to an empty p17 or semi auto pistol
1 Year Ago
Potential BaseProjectile.OnInput NRE fix
1 Year Ago
Added a useEmptyAmmoState toggle to projectile weapons (under the viewmodel section) Will enable layer 1 on the viewmodel animator whenever the weapon has no rounds in the magazine Will trigger either "ammo_true" or "ammo_false" parameters immediately before reloading to play an appropriate situational reload animation Layer 1 is disabled while the reload takes palce (and will always be disabled after the reload because the magazine now has rounds) Enabled on P17, SAP and M92