12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed incorrect ShowBullet reload animation event configuration
Fixed missing ShowBullet animation events
Fixed the new camera animation system on the minigun/flamethrower/sks not respecting the head bob client setting
Fixed missing camera shakes when firing the sks
Fixed sks firing animations early exiting causing camera clipping
Fixed missing ammo_true and ammo_false triggers, they're not used but are required for the empty state animator handling
Set up sks as skin of SAR, sks is no longer craftable
Fix SteamInventoryItem editor inspector not appearing for ItemSkins
Hide the bullet in the magazine if the player has one bullet loaded
Fixed animator hasAmmo param not getting populated
Reuse old p17 empty state logic for sks viewmodel
Use events to turn on the shell in the magazine based
Build manifest so the gun works after loading/saving
Match import fbx offsets exactly
First pass on dedicated vm animator handling script for sks
Uses new IViewmodelComponent interface, will probably come in handy in the future