5 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!
Updated the mesh sampling system on the spraycan free spray to find and use a valid wallpaper renderer, fixes free hand sprays appearing below wallpapers
Remove wallpaper_radius command
Remove setwallpaper and removewallpaper commands in the ent command
Added add_wallpaper_radius, will add wallpaper to any walls in the radius if they don't have a wallpaper, uses the provided skin id (name or id)
Added change_wallpaper_radius, will modify any wallappers in the radius to the provided wallpaper
Both of the above convars can now take -1 as a skin id and a random wallpaper will be used
Added clear_wallpaper_radius, will remove any wallpapers in the given radius
wallpaper_radius now supports a name parameter, it checks that the name of the inventory asset in unity contains the provided string
eg. "wallpaper_radius retroa 100" and "wallpaper_radius
10249 100" will both set all wallpapers in 100m to that skin
Be mindful when using the name option that it will return the first match, so passing "retro" as a name will return the RetroA skin
Added wallpaper_radius command, works the same as upgrade_radius
Spray can now ignores sprays when looking for entities to reskin, allows reskinning wallpaper/shipping container blocks if sprays are on that wall