
7,114 Commits over 3,531 Days - 0.08cph!

6 Years Ago
Fix all compile errors
6 Years Ago
Reset selection tool when switching from and to Add Gizmos.Handle.Line. Add edge edit mode. Add plane builder and plane primitive tool Add depth offset to grid material to avoid z-fighting
6 Years Ago
Remove old gizmo code, tool bar snap settings use new gizmo settings
6 Years Ago
Split Gizmo.Three into 3 single angle gizmos
6 Years Ago
Implement Gizmo.ThreeAngles
6 Years Ago
Try only drawing active axis disc of rotation gizmo
6 Years Ago
Stop unreal from rendering translucent view mesh elements so we have full control over it. Move all personal projects to separate repo.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Adjust gizmo hidden color slightly
6 Years Ago
Add dev white and dev gray materials
6 Years Ago
Mirror rotation gizmo depending on direction from camera to gizmo
6 Years Ago
Add Circle.TracePartialEdge. Draw3D.SolidCircle angles in degrees instead of radians.
6 Years Ago
Angle gizmo hover detection. Make solid circle rotation basis consistent with wire version.
6 Years Ago
Add Draw3D.SolidCircle. Add start of rotation gizmo.
6 Years Ago
Add simple material tool. Rename construct tool to prop tool.
6 Years Ago
Allow line primitives to be drawn with materials
6 Years Ago
Remove lazy Draw3D.PhysicsAsset
6 Years Ago
Add Quaternion helper funcs FromPitch, FromYaw, FromRoll
6 Years Ago
Try drawing Axis1D as 3 sided cylinder so it can be bloomed
6 Years Ago
Add Draw3D.SolidCylinder
6 Years Ago
Add static vertex lit material to gizmo so handles can change brightness
6 Years Ago
Render foreground primitives into custom depth buffer, commented out if we ever need it.
6 Years Ago
Disable separate translucency so foreground primitives render ontop of translucent surfaces too
6 Years Ago
Mark editable mesh as dirty after vertex edit
6 Years Ago
Default to vertex lit material when no material specified for Draw3D
6 Years Ago
Add Draw3D.SolidCone
6 Years Ago
Render PDI primitives in overlay render event, enabling foreground rendering in non editor builds.
6 Years Ago
Add Draw3D.Mesh and Draw3D.Quad
6 Years Ago
Fix reading too many palette colors
6 Years Ago
Cull adjacent touching faces
6 Years Ago
Fix vox palette colors
6 Years Ago
MagicaVoxel VOX model importer
6 Years Ago
VOX file reader
6 Years Ago
Avoid allocs in ReadStructuresFromStream by using Span
6 Years Ago
Move useful binary to structure functions to Sandbox.Public
6 Years Ago
Add projection mode and ortho settings to ViewInfo
6 Years Ago
Delete key resets polygon tool. Use last polygon point as extrude origin
6 Years Ago
Snap point direction to 45 degree angles when left control is down
6 Years Ago
Replace cylinder builder code with polygon builder
6 Years Ago
Draw last polygon line in different color
6 Years Ago
Allow polygon builder to specify inside out when setting points
6 Years Ago
Detect polygon winding so inside out polygon can be controlled
6 Years Ago
Project polygon vertices to plane using plane quaternion forward and right instead of plane basis
6 Years Ago
Serialize polygon builder
6 Years Ago
Add polygon builder
6 Years Ago
Add labels to polygon tool for edge length and extrude distance
6 Years Ago
Polygon primitive tool
6 Years Ago
Remove ghetto client side prediction
6 Years Ago
Add entity AddTag, RemoveTag, HasTag
6 Years Ago
Don't draw mesh vertices out of range