
7,484 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.09cph!

7 Years Ago
Delete mesh when all faces are deleted
7 Years Ago
Remove faces. Detach faces (shift+delete for now)
7 Years Ago
Improved face inset scaling
7 Years Ago
Fix mesh scaling when mesh has been rotated
7 Years Ago
Fix mesh scaling
7 Years Ago
Fixed face scaling and grid snapping on relative scale gizmo axis
7 Years Ago
Editable meshes can be scaled with scale gizmos Scale faces with gizmo Inset face on scale addition
7 Years Ago
Add BaseEntity.TickEnabled
7 Years Ago
SanAndreas importer to test importers loading from archives
7 Years Ago
Add global axis editor setting
7 Years Ago
Add LineOrientedBoxIntersection. Add AxisBasis to TransformGizmo so translate gizmo can work in any local space. Merge branch 'master' of
7 Years Ago
Selection mode UI
7 Years Ago
Block tool uses active material
7 Years Ago
Editable mesh supports multiple materials. Added ghetto material picker UI.
7 Years Ago
Offset multiple faces at the same time so only distinct vertices are offset
7 Years Ago
Fix translate gizmo snapping to 0 when moving cursor outside window
7 Years Ago
Draw selected faces
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up shift copy code Merge branch 'master' of Dragging translate gizmo offsets faces while in face edit mode, shift drag extrudes
7 Years Ago
Shift dragging selection gizmo will make a copy of the selection
7 Years Ago
Fix runtime mesh occlusion check when using custom depth stencil
7 Years Ago
Add moved event to translate gizmo. Calculate selection bounds on change instead of on tick. Position gizmo at the selection bounds center.
7 Years Ago
Useable translate gizmo
7 Years Ago
Block tool can cancel block with delete key Added selection modes. Face selection extrudes face on addition modifier down and left click. Only draw bounds for items for the current selection mode Face selection. Drawing face selection bounds.
7 Years Ago
Adjustable grid snap sizes. Block selection with bounding box calculation. Delete selectables
7 Years Ago
Block tool uses mouse position for picking ray Block tool uses world origin plane when picking ray fails to hit something Take editable mesh rotation into consideration when generating UV basis, this gives desirable results regardless of plane orientation the block is created on.
7 Years Ago
Fix attachment transform replication issues. Keep attaching pants every tick to make sure they don't fall off.
7 Years Ago
Only create clothing on client for now (Player model attachments aren't getting replicated properly, means you'll be naked when playing as a listen server tho)
7 Years Ago
Add FinishedSpawn to BaseEntity. Add assert "Player trying to control an entity that hasn't spawned yet"
7 Years Ago
Control player after spawning it, not before.
7 Years Ago
Hacky fixes for weapon throwing and attaching
7 Years Ago
Added extrusion step to block tool
7 Years Ago
Fixed block tool not creating blocks with correct orientation when created on non axial planes.
7 Years Ago
Add option to play sounds without broadcasting it (needed for things like footsteps, client determines when to play sounds but listen servers also want to play without broadcasting it)
7 Years Ago
Replicate IsGrounded to fix player footsteps. Fix footsteps on listen server.
7 Years Ago
Give player weapons in OnFinishSpawn instead of initialize
7 Years Ago
Remove spawn hack
7 Years Ago
Fix client side player model initialization. Try to keep weapon world model at player models attachment point at all times.
7 Years Ago
Protect against ensure in DetachFromComponent for static meshes (gives warning instead)
7 Years Ago
Only weld physics simulated entities. Physgun adds selection outline to every entity in the hierarchy
7 Years Ago
Weld root entity in parent hierarchy Sandbox player noclip
7 Years Ago
Prefix sandbox ui elements for now to fix vue errors
7 Years Ago
Fixed physgun freeze/unfreeze not working on welded entities. Added welder weapon.
7 Years Ago
Made sandbox player a weapon controllable. Added scoreboard and weapon selection. Gave physgun.
7 Years Ago
Moved hl1 specific spawn point entities to hl1 addon. Added simple player to sandbox gamemode.
7 Years Ago
Comment out useless bullshit in sound generator that stops the game from building
7 Years Ago
Add WorldEntity.CullDistance Some C++ project cleanup Fix ladders and third person camera. Disabled SineSound test (crash on player death, move this to sandbox gamemode)
7 Years Ago
Render scene to render target with scene capture entity
7 Years Ago
Add FindCollisionUV to HitResult
7 Years Ago
Initial render target support. Render.DrawMaterialToRenderTarget. Painting proof of concept.
7 Years Ago
Loading bsp ambient lighting