7,479 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.09cph!
Don't pick up duplicate weapons
Add GrabRelativeNormal to physgun
Billboard ribbon rendering
Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
Disable physics replication
Force prop physics off every tick client side
Add Debug drawing binds. Added physgun beam drawing (debug draw for now). Add Transform class. Bullet spread now plays impact sounds for each different surface.
Add ConstraintAxisLock. Physgun freezing.
Added WasRecentlyRendered
Physgun can pick up ragdolls
Broadcast PhysGun Shutdown to make sure clients release grabbed entity
DestroyLater should still trigger a shutdown once complete. Add OnShutdown event so external entities can know when another entity shutsdown. Physgun release on self shutdown or grabbed entity shutdown.
Fix random playing of hurt sounds
Only allow one physgun to grab an entity at a time
Load material dependencies for meshes on dedicated server (material loading shouldn't init any resources)
Testing prop impact sounds. Broadcasting hurt sounds. Testing death on hard physics impacts.
Only trigger viewmodel fire on local controllable
Only setup viewmodel if controlled by local player
Hopefully fixed physgun outlining in multiplayer. Decreased outline fill alpha.
Fixed sprites not receiving outline
Made rubber ball impact sound trigger more robust
Hopefully networked physgun highlight
Added Children property to BaseEntity that gets all attached entities, including descendants. PhysGun outlines grabbed entities children too.
Fixed VBSP version 19 loading (different leaf structure)
Added DepthStencilIndex so post process can render outlines for entities
Only broadcast bullet damages that are over 0
Weapons setup their own viewmodel anim events
Remove viewmodel anim notifies when switching weaponm
Playing shotgun sounds using anim notifies. Added FrameRate to anim import metadata to override frame rate
AddImpulseAtLocation works for articulated entities. Fixed IsSimulatingPhysics not working for skeletal meshes
Only ragdoll player models client side. Only create death camera client side.
Add bullet impulse to physics entities
Enable steam subsystem to learn how online subsystems work
Load materials on dedicated server but don't apply parameters
Use physics collision handler
Only disable ragdoll replication server side
BaseEntity.DestroyLater uses Actor SetLifeTime to hopefully fix error when destroying using async func
Add ReplicateCullDistance to BaseEntity
Don't init mesh resources on dedicated server
Replicate brush model for func_door
Map preloading asks managed for map name
Preloading our map in GameInstance::OnPreLoadMap so that hopefully brush models are valid before entities are replicated
Seeing if PreloadContentForURL runs on client
Put gamemode and map in url to see if client receives it
FuncDoor spawns brush model without Authority check
Refactored PhysGun to make sure physics handle is removed when not grabbing or weapon is destroyed
Safer static mesh loading
Revert last commit, too buggy. Fixed jump sound not networking