
7,374 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.08cph!

7 Years Ago
Network bullet forces
7 Years Ago
Fixed player eye angles and velocity replication
7 Years Ago
Fixed eye angles replication to server. Fixed clients player models not rotating on server. Fixed player movement ground detection with low fps.
7 Years Ago
Networking client side player movement by relaying it to server
7 Years Ago
Network hit dings
7 Years Ago
Playing player model skeletal anim nodes on both client and server
7 Years Ago
Using OnChanged event for swapping viewmodel and thirdperson camera setup. Fixed PlayerTick exception. Temp fix for OnPossess.
7 Years Ago
Added OnChange to ReplicateAttribute. Temp fix for showing viewmodel on client spawn. Temp fix for thirdperson camera on clients.
7 Years Ago
Spawning viewmodel and cameras client side only. Fixed clients not attaching viewmodel to camera on possess.
7 Years Ago
Temp fix for RpcHandler (Sometimes ID is not unique between addons)
7 Years Ago
Player ignores weapon mesh pickup collision Queue up bullet damages and apply once. Shotgun spread. Hit dings
7 Years Ago
Bind collision profiles so weapon traces can ignore player capsule. Applying bullet forces to hitboxes
7 Years Ago
Added BaseEntity.IsChildOf and BaseEntity.GetOwnerOfType, useful for finding the first owner in the hierarchy of a specific type (trace hitting the mesh of the player)
7 Years Ago
Bind collision channels Fixed null pointer exceptions when killing a deathmatch controllable without a player Fix annoying no joint created warning when ragdolling Despawn uncontrolled corpses after delay
7 Years Ago
Shape sweeps ignore attached actors of ignored actor, fixes thirdperson camera.
7 Years Ago
Line trace ignores attached actors of specified ignore actor. Fixed health pickup mesh in wrong position.
7 Years Ago
Fix weapon and health pickups
7 Years Ago
Fix getting stuck in walls
7 Years Ago
Better solution for using collision entities for controllables movement
7 Years Ago
Fixed player movement getting stuck on walls Added HealthPickup Test gamemode cleanup Allow controllable to use separate entities for collision
7 Years Ago
Fixed weapon pickup weirdness when dropping on self. Weapon throwing inherits players velocity
7 Years Ago
Testing weapon drops/pickups, not perfect
7 Years Ago
Sphere, box, capsule collision shape entities used for triggers
7 Years Ago
Click to respawn, added get first and random spawn point
7 Years Ago
Controllables can change the size of their collision capsule
7 Years Ago
Added GetSocketPosition to BaseWorldEntity so both skeletal and static mesh entities can use it without casting
7 Years Ago
Fixed third person camera lagging a frame behind ragdoll
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Removed singular from anim nodes. Added UObject map to stop managed UObjects from getting GC'd
7 Years Ago
Add force to death controller ragdoll
7 Years Ago
Helps if i named the folder correctly
7 Years Ago
Updated ref binaries
7 Years Ago
Respawn timer, death camera
7 Years Ago
Oops compile error
7 Years Ago
Fixed skeletal mesh material and visible sections replication
7 Years Ago
Added camera lag to spring arm camera
7 Years Ago
Added spring arm camera with collision
7 Years Ago
Added camera entity and added third person camera to player
8 Years Ago
code drop
8 Years Ago
Trigger anim notifies for blend spaces. Added trigger weight threshold.
8 Years Ago
Testing basic character movement
8 Years Ago
Started to replace character pawn with scriptable pawn
8 Years Ago
Fixed anim state machine not initializing state nodes
8 Years Ago
Fixed anim state machine looping previous blended sequence player Initial support for anim blend spaces
8 Years Ago
Anim notifies work for sequence player and random sequence player
8 Years Ago
Add coreclr binaries (these should really be created with a script at some point though)
8 Years Ago
delete coreclr dlls
8 Years Ago
Added random sequence player anim node. Cleaned up anim node code.
8 Years Ago
Added state machine anim node. Playing correct anims for viewmodel.
8 Years Ago
Blend space and state machine nodes ready to implement