
7,110 Commits over 3,531 Days - 0.08cph!

9 Months Ago
Make sure clearing model in ModelRenderer resets sceneobject to default cube NRE in DrawSelection
9 Months Ago
Add functions to ModelRenderer to set body group
9 Months Ago
Update flex controller weights straight away when setting morphs
9 Months Ago
Fix shadergraph not showing all available nodes from connection, shadergraph doesn't have relevant nodes
9 Months Ago
Delete CEntitySystem::CreateEntity
9 Months Ago
Delete some more from entity2
9 Months Ago
Remove obvious unused interfaces
9 Months Ago
public/engine2 cleaning pass
9 Months Ago
Delete CSteam3Client, (old api?) steam interfaces can be got elsewhere
9 Months Ago
Move orbit camera to SceneEditorExtensions
9 Months Ago
Add the same bounds checks as before to IzHeightFieldShape::CastRay
9 Months Ago
Fix compile error
9 Months Ago
Missed a few more
9 Months Ago
Another engine2 cleaning pass
9 Months Ago
Check if managed is ready before calling physics callbacks
9 Months Ago
Izabu: Add abstract concave shape to make it easier to derive concave shapes (mesh, heightfield, plane etc) and use the same contact code
9 Months Ago
Delete entity.class.def
9 Months Ago
Remove entity handle usage from base light probe volume
9 Months Ago
Delete gameresourceservice and some entity2 files
9 Months Ago
Fix Terrain.RayIntersects not working when ray starts outside of heightfield bounds
9 Months Ago
Add faster way to cast ray against heightfield for Terrain.RayIntersects
9 Months Ago
Debug draw physics world in GameTick. Add physics debug world to scene view camera
9 Months Ago
Force terrain collider to static in OnValidate
9 Months Ago
Terrain collider needs to be a Collider, fixes receiving touches
9 Months Ago
Terrain test scene
9 Months Ago
Move terrain system from testbed branch to engine
9 Months Ago
Shape surfaces should now be setup, including mesh per triangle
9 Months Ago
Add PhysicsShape.Surfaces for mesh or heightfield per triangle materials
9 Months Ago
Add some exceptions to AddHeightFieldShape when dumb shit is passed in
9 Months Ago
Add support for materials on heightfield shape
9 Months Ago
Delete entity2_test
9 Months Ago
Clean up public/engine2
9 Months Ago
Delete public/networksystem
9 Months Ago
Delete remaining unused from engine2
9 Months Ago
Delete protobuf
9 Months Ago
Delete networksystem
9 Months Ago
Make MusicPlayer work again
9 Months Ago
Delete mostly everything networking related from engine2, should make it possible to delete networksystem
9 Months Ago
Delete ISource2Client and ISource2Server
9 Months Ago
Use damping in joints test scene
9 Months Ago
Add damping to physics component
9 Months Ago
Add material group to model renderer
9 Months Ago
Document capsule collider
9 Months Ago
RMB to zoom in and out of orbit
9 Months Ago
Dragging models from asset browser adds collider component
9 Months Ago
Add ColliderCapsuleComponent
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Scene Editor orbit around focused selection Fix NRE in legacy particle system
9 Months Ago
Delete igametypes
9 Months Ago
Move remaining files from public/game to public/engine2