7,549 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.09cph!
Add AudioPlayer.GetMetadata
Codec whitelist
Fix sound streams (and probably other sounds) getting stomped when calling StopSoundEvent with invalid guid, never do this
Fix viewmodel pitch and yaw delta
Add inertia damping to viewmodel (does calling this inertia even make sense for this anymore?)
Fix some NRE's found in logs of people shutting down on game startup
Add audioplayer to play mp3 or whatever with control over playback (seek, pause, etc)
ShaderGraph: Protect against textures that fail to compile
Apply first update to damped value with no damping to initialize to target
AnimGraph: Set damped value to target value on first update
null check g_pApplication just incase
ShaderGraph: Compile textures so that images can be used for texture nodes https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0711b1/sbox_EXhMp9FGvJ.png
ShaderGraph: Center on material node when opening a graph so you don't get lost
Disable texture streaming when rendering asset thumbnail or video
Creating mipped textures from managed flushes render context before generating mips, fixes corrupted menu textures with some amd drivers
Add rgb -> hsv and hsv -> rgb nodes
Include functions in vertex shader too
ShaderGraph: Allow compiler to insert functions into generated code
Use result function for blend node
Delete blendmodes.hlsl (yuck)
ShaderGraph, default input to zero for unary nodes when input is missing so errors don't get triggered
ShaderGraph: Add round node
ShaderGraph: Rewrite Remap node so it's actually readable
Save .shader instead of .shader_c in material
ShaderGraph: Add Arctan2, Arcsin and Arccos
FindInSphere and FindInBox also finds static entities
Fix crash when calling Graphics.RenderToTexture from UI tick by never doing AsyncBeginRenderingViews, no real benefit
Render game to texture inside render block, non tools doesn't like this
Fix not finding menu resources
Run the whole game in menu screen
Disable limiter_on for sound streams, don't want stream sound events to be stolen
Finally fix audio popping
In game video recorder captures swap chain texture instead of resolve and copy, render recording bars on another layer
Strip unused from AsyncRequestStatus_t, give more descriptive status strings
Set deploy on viewmodels in OnAnimGraphCreated
AnimGraph: Add bouncy spring mode to input damping using RK4
Phygun and gravgun end grab on entity pre cleanup
Fix NRE when grabbed object with physgun is removed
Add CopyToStagingResource3D for when trying to get texture pixels of a 3d texture slice, CopyToStagingResource only works for 2d resources
Obsolete WorldOnly, EntitiesOnly and WorldAndEntities, Add StaticOnly and DynamicOnly
Blit cursor into in game recording when not in relative mouse mode
Audio samples can be passed to audio frame directly without resampling
Resample audio from FLT to FLTP
Add audio encoding to video recorder. New in game video recording using ffmpeg instead of media foundation. Delete valve_wmf
Set anim helper VoiceLevel on server too
Send voice level with voice data to server
Bump up voip layer volume