
7,479 Commits over 3,622 Days - 0.09cph!

2 Months Ago
Add ComponentFlags.NotCloned to opt out of component serialize when cloning in editor
2 Months Ago
Flag ragdoll body bones as bone, because they are
2 Months Ago
Unfuck native physics interface for creating joints, they should all pass in local frames, it's up to C# to calculate local frames for desired setup
2 Months Ago
Scale ragdoll joint local frames later on
2 Months Ago
Set ragdoll attachment mode and local frames on all joints
2 Months Ago
Move joint attachment mode and local frames to base joint, all joints should have these
2 Months Ago
Setup hinge motor on ragdoll (needs testing)
2 Months Ago
Setup fixed joint frequency and damping on ragdoll Setup slider joint limits on ragdoll
2 Months Ago
Save ragdoll child objects so things can be attached to them in editor
2 Months Ago
Update Conveyor component to set collider surface velocity, this component doesn't really need to exist anymore though
2 Months Ago
Factor in surface velocity when solving linear friction constraint Add PhysicsShape.SurfaceVelocity Add Collider.SurfaceVelocity - Sets the local velocity of the surface so things can slide along it, like a conveyor belt
2 Months Ago
Conveyor shouldn't use static collider
2 Months Ago
Move mirror component to work in progress
2 Months Ago
Fix all deprecation warnings
2 Months Ago
Fix null exception in PlayerStats.TryGet
2 Months Ago
WorldTextSceneObject needs to be OverlayWithDepth to have depth with draw solids
2 Months Ago
Fix winding in Gizmo.Draw.SolidBox
2 Months Ago
Fix dragging installed cloud assets, don't just bail if it can't find primary asset, fallback to url
2 Months Ago
Support drags from resource control into scene viewport
2 Months Ago
Create and cache line shader outside of SceneLineObject constructor, these scene objects are created on a thread and material load has to be on main thread
2 Months Ago
Fix command line args preference not being set - line edit is auto focused so bind system needs to be flushed to set it before focus
2 Months Ago
Revert edit button on resource control
2 Months Ago
Only show resource control buttons on control hover so they're less in your face
2 Months Ago
Set tooltip for component control picker button
2 Months Ago
Add open in editor button to resource control, this is a common enough action to have on the control widget
2 Months Ago
Fix Video background-image going out of sync causing it to stop looping - disable audio on video player and sync clock to video instead of audio (background-image shouldn't have been playing audio)
2 Months Ago
Drive kinematic ragdoll parts with smooth move to the animated bone transform
2 Months Ago
Add SkinnedModelRenderer.TryGetBoneTransformAnimation to get the worldspace bone transform after animation but before physics and procedural bones
2 Months Ago
Fix gizmo transform for gameobjects with absolute flag
2 Months Ago
Ragdoll smooth moves kinematic rigidbodies to renderer bone, as an added benefit it means we don't need to calculate bone velocities, the rigidbody already has it when switching to dynamic
2 Months Ago
Add smooth move and rotate to rigidbody instead of having to access physics body for them
2 Months Ago
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2 Months Ago
Static props set model collider to static
2 Months Ago
Unhide static property on mesh component (should we force mesh components to always be static?)
2 Months Ago
Disable kinematic rigidbody being a shadow controller
2 Months Ago
Clamp mixer volume to 0,1
2 Months Ago
Add readonly Mass property to Rigidbody, some parented props are calculating wrong mass so it helps to know what mass a rigidbody is
2 Months Ago
Fix offset child model colliders constantly rebuilding, check if their target local has changed instead
2 Months Ago
These floors should be static in physics_simple scene
2 Months Ago
Add IgnoreRoot to ragdoll, mostly so I can test motion enable toggle, needs better name
2 Months Ago
Set ragdoll transform to root body transform. Use absolute flag for child rigidbodies so parent transform doesn't fuck them
2 Months Ago
Add GameObjectFlags.Absolute, ignores the parent transform. Basically, position: absolute for gameobjects
2 Months Ago
Parts have linear and angular damping, so use them
2 Months Ago
Dynamic joint scaling
2 Months Ago
Fix capsule collider update not using scale Fix adding transformed RnHull, just make a new hull, we were transforming the serialized rubikon hull which is very bad!
3 Months Ago
Scale hull collider points with world scale
3 Months Ago
Scale ragdoll joint local frames by body world scale
3 Months Ago
Fix capsule collider not using world uniform scale when it probably should
3 Months Ago
Add motion enabled support to ragdoll, motion disabled drives kinematic bodies using render bones
3 Months Ago
Rigidbody with motion disabled uses shadow controller because it's kinematic