
7,083 Commits over 3,531 Days - 0.08cph!

3 Years Ago
Add MenuTools.SetStreamService
3 Years Ago
Init stream service in MenuInterface.Init. Connect/Disconnect stream service in GameLoop
3 Years Ago
Stream list UI test Don't join channel if stream service isn't active
3 Years Ago
API update
3 Years Ago
Add StreamGame.Broadcasts
3 Years Ago
Add command to get list of live broadcasts from game name
3 Years Ago
Update Stream.cs
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.GetGame (from game name)
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.GetBroadcasts (from game_id)
3 Years Ago
Add StreamUser.Channel and StreamUser.Broadcast
3 Years Ago
Remove stream connected/disconnect events for now, doesn't make much sense currently
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Move Sandbox.Stream to sandbox.engine so multiple connections aren't made for menu, client, server
3 Years Ago
Move OnChat shit to here until we handle chat commands better
3 Years Ago
Remove OnChat callback, dealing with chat commands should be dealt with addon level
3 Years Ago
internal set StreamPoll properties internal set StreamUser properties internal set StreamChannel properties internal set StreamBroadcast and StreamChatMessage properties internal set StreamUserFollow properties
3 Years Ago
internal set StreamPrediction properties
3 Years Ago
Move prediction lock/cancel/resolve to StreamPrediction
3 Years Ago
Add StreamPoll.End
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Optional username param for GetUser
3 Years Ago
Move get following/followers to StreamUser
3 Years Ago
Merge BanUser and Timeout user, the only difference is perm ban or timed ban, clarify this in the summary
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Change channel modify functions to properties
3 Years Ago
Parse any time response data to DateTimeOffset
3 Years Ago
Move IRCMessage to StreamChatMessage constructor
3 Years Ago
Add summary to all stream events
3 Years Ago
Deserialize prediction response Add prediction to api
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Move stream events under Sandbox.Stream instead of Sandbox.Event
3 Years Ago
Document all public Sandbox.Stream functions
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.CreatePoll, Stream.EndPoll
3 Years Ago
Deserialize poll response
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.GetChannel
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.GetBroadcast
3 Years Ago
Follower commands
3 Years Ago
Add Stream.GetUserFollowing and Stream.GetUserFollowers
3 Years Ago
Enable twitch avatars again
3 Years Ago
Optional channel param in Stream.SendMessage, sends to your own channel if non specified
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
internal Stream.Connect and Stream.Disconnect, auto connect to twitch service on loop init
3 Years Ago
Implement Sandbox.Stream.GetUser
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Refractor so that TwitchService handles client and api
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Add channel modify functions to Sandbox.Stream Internal twitchapi
3 Years Ago
Add Sandbox.Stream.IsActive
3 Years Ago
API changes
3 Years Ago
Sandbox.Streaming.StreamClient to Sandbox.Stream