7,547 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.09cph!
Remove entries from modeldoc_editor_presets.txt that either don't work/don't care about
ModelDoc: Fix "shoot" tool, just do a simple trace + impulse instead of going through CBaseCombatCharacter
Change default prop explosion particle to new one
Fix applying decals on world from server side
Add sharedassets to .addon so assets are sent to clients
Remove [Library] from Game class, not required anymore
Remove reference to GenerateProjects in readme, just run the game
Merge pull request #6 from handsomematt/master
Fix clients not recieving assets, remove obsolete stuff
Fix some potential access violations in CSceneAnimatableObject::Update
Throw exception when trying to create sound stream on an invalid sound
Throw exception when trying to write data to an invalid sound stream
Add SoundStream.QueuedSampleCount
Add audio streaming proof of concept
Add audiostream.default.sound
Hammer: Add grid dots setting for 2d view https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0111b1/sbox_7JkbhWwAbW.png
AnimGraph: Add viewmodel camera option to preview window
Fix access violation in CModelHelper::InitModel
Include citizen thumbnail in this repo so it should be spawnable on steam version
PhysGun: Unfreeze all bodies in physics group with Reload input
Disable viewmodel bobbing when noclipping
Car camera orientates to car on activate
Rubikon: Null check mesh root node in mesh shape cast sphere
Rubikon: Check for null shape proxy when building proxy bounds. Could potentially fix access violation in CRnDynamicTree::GetBounds
Fix access violation in CQMaterialEditor::SaveMaterial
Fix CSoundEventManager::ProcessSoundEvent cocking up when vsnd_files is null or has no elements
Try using spotlights for home avatar
Set D_SRGB_IMAGE to 1 when drawing multisampled scene to UI. Fixes color banding.
Add D_SRGB_IMAGE combo to ui_cssbox shader
Particles.Create with entity param adds particle to that entity so they get cleaned up when the entity does
Prop particles created with func with entity param so they get added to that entity
Initial support for spawning particles for props "particles_list" (note: doesn't yet support all attachment types and doesn't clean up when entity is deleted)
Fix WithScreenMultiSample typo
Add ModelEntity.SetupPhysicsFromSphere
Render.DrawScene can now use any multisampling. Render.DrawScene throws some exceptions when textures are invalid, wrong image formats or multisampling mismatch.
RenderScene uses srgb color space when using no multisampling
Remove model tinting from home avatar, shouldn't be needed now
Add UI.Scene.RenderOnce scene will only draw once when content size changes
Render scenes to render target
Bump up zfar for now until we have a better way for maps to control it
Allow complete 360 mouse look while in firstperson car camera
Look forward when not orbiting in thirdperson car camera
Add PhysicsBody.Scale, PhysicsBody.Transform includes Scale
Fix incorrect rope anchors on ragdolls
Rope length is distance between the two anchor points instead of a fixed length
Rubikon: Setting body scale also scales attached joints instead of PhysAggregate handling it
Fix incorrect rope anchors, only rope particle points need scaling
Attach ropes to scaled objects properly
Attempt to reinitialize animgraph instance for managed CSceneAnimatableObject when model is hotloaded, fixes crash when hotloading citizen model
Don't exit car if use key is disabled, allows rotating with physgun while in car
Add OnBreak handler for all the other joints
Don't use pawns eye rot for first person car camera, seems to be jittery