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Smooth out extra car camera pitch. Add screenshake when going very fast.
Car camera adds clamped car pitch to orbit pitch
Disable self collisions on car and pickup trigger so they never interact with each other when driving
Don't ignore owner hierarchy when using tracing with physgun or gravgun
Copy car model to this repo
Trace.Ignore can optionally ignore hierarchy or not
Add pawn animator for when driving vehicle
Disable collisions on PickupTrigger when weapon is carried so it doesn't intersect with the car
Parent player to car to avoid clients jittering while driving
Disable players physics hull when driving instead of using tags, hitboxes still work when physics body is disabled
Make double sure player can't be damaged by a vehicle while driving a vehicle
Only allow air control when car is sufficient distance away from surface
Turn wheels even when stationary
Car air control and uprighting when you're upside down
Slightly better car camera for all orientations
Use car driver as attacker
Add ModelEntity.EnableTraceAndQueries
Fix incorrect wheel distance
Add tag to player while driving so wheel traces can filter it out
Use physics world global gravity for car grounded gravity
Resizer tool can reset scale with reload button
Car runs the base OnPhysicsCollision not just for collisions with players
Don't damage player from vehicle if they're driving one
Support scaled cars a bit better
Reset car input when driver is removed
Don't noclip while driving car
Don't take damage from car while you're driving it
Add PhysicsBody.RemoveContacts. Add PreAngularVelocity to CollisionEventData
Handle sitting tag in standard player animator
Fix balloon tool initial color
Remove RecipientsFilter from m_EmbedLocal to see if it resolves (CFlattenedSerializer:Decode Error #416)
Add PhysicsBody.DragEnabled
Disable solid collisions on player when they have a noclip tag
Add PhysicsWorld.WorldBody, this is the static body used for the level which can be used for fixed joints
Add joint builder funcs for generic joint
Dump watermelon thumbnail
Add PhysicsBody.GravityEnabled
Trigger attack anim param when using physgun
Event.PhysicsPostStep to Event.Physics.PostStep
Obsolete AnimSceneObject.SetAnimParam, use SetAnimBool etc to stay consistent with AnimEntity
Support morphs for anim scene objects
Fix avatar looking to work with any screen size
Update to use physics events
Add Event.PhysicsPreStep Event.PhysicsPostStep, Obsolete IPhysicsUpdate
ModelDoc: also strip anything before @ when generating AnimFile node names through "Add Simple Animations"