17 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!
Small ground flame prefab for spreaders.
Applied new FX to oilFireballSmall Bradley loot.
New ground fire with smoke prefab for general vehicle debris and timed loot.
Damage materials that belonged to this branch.
Buncha movement fixes.
Adjusted a few things to work around the legacy code that messes with PFX.
Adjustments for the new script edits.
Tread debug.
Tracer_reddish consistency with cannon tone.
Fixed issue where muzzle flashes would collapse in on themselves from one angle only.
Main cannon impact improvements.
Adjusted FX behave better to occasional rapid movement and sudden directional changes.
Performance: Made Bradley mid-air cannon tracers not have super expensive shadow casters, and adjusted light to compensate.
Applied & fixed damage effects
Cannon Shell explosion replacement.
Applied new lighting & FX.