
17 Commits over 30 Days - 0.02cph!

10 Months Ago
Layout grouped in an optional skin name text field under the weapon name.
10 Months Ago
WeaponRackInfo UI polish & localization tokens
10 Months Ago
Fixed pixelation flicker glitch on WeaponRackLight
10 Months Ago
Weapon worldmodel LODGroup consistency pass. Applied to prefabs.
10 Months Ago
Remaining LOD groups
10 Months Ago
LOD consistency progress
10 Months Ago
LODgroup consistency progress/backup
10 Months Ago
Worldmodel LOD consistency WIP
10 Months Ago
Fixed toolgun worldmodel materials all being in the wrong order
10 Months Ago
All weapon worldmodels into the testmap
10 Months Ago
Fixed python worldmodel LOD3 being offset
10 Months Ago
Added fluorescent sound buzz when enabled.
10 Months Ago
Flare color fix that got messed up in a Unity crash.
10 Months Ago
Forgot to add the flare to the on state.
10 Months Ago
On/off functions Temp file cleanup
10 Months Ago
WeaponRack lighting rework.
11 Months Ago
Temp prefab with gunrack lighting setup Optimized wallracklight textures New flare type