
18 Commits over 92 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
Updated Electric Furnce mesh so IO point is on the side of furnace rather than the back.
2 Years Ago
Added pipe wrench tool for industrial pipes - added viewmodel and prefab - added world model w/ lods and prefab - material and textures
2 Years Ago
v2 pipe trim texture sheet added pipe rim trim to the pipe trim texture sheet updated pipe textures
2 Years Ago
first iteration of the coloured pipe textures
2 Years Ago
added industrial combiner - LODs and GIBs - Materials and textures Updated deploy predab
2 Years Ago
Update to industrial conveyor module mesh - fixed holes in mesh (where pipes would cover but would be exposed without pipes) - updated LODs (gibs were already fixed)
2 Years Ago
updated industrial crafter module - split lights off to their own uv to control progress bar - updated lods - updated prefab - added textures and materials for the lights (this may change if/when we get a fix for the standard shader uv1 offset settings)
2 Years Ago
set texture import resolution for crafter texture properly
2 Years Ago
Splitter fbx file that got missed out for some reason
2 Years Ago
Added LODs to all modules Added GIBs to all modules - updated prefabs with LOD'd meshes Moved meshes into appropriate folders
2 Years Ago
zeroed transforms on 3 industrial assets - sorry jarryd, i swear it doesn't always happen.
2 Years Ago
Added Adapter Mesh - override old mesh - moved mesh to 'Models' folder - Added LODs Added materials and textures Updated deploy prefab
2 Years Ago
added industrial crafter model and lods - pipe entry points are slightly longer to coincide with concept. Added textures and materials Updated prefab with new mesh - removed old temp mesh
2 Years Ago
Updated industrial splitter mesh - fixed shader issues Added textures and setup material Replaced current splitter mesh with new mesh in prefab. - updated prefab (Jarryd will have to go through this)
2 Years Ago
Added new version of the splitter model + LODs Just need to texture it now.
2 Years Ago
industrial adapter test mesh
2 Years Ago
industrial crafter test mesh
2 Years Ago
- industrial conveyor mesh - industrial splitter mesh entry points fits nicely with the currently pipe radius.