
4 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

12 Months Ago
update to viewmodel metal detector - adjsuted position of the LEDs so both sit on the PCB Update to the World Model of the Metal Detector - adjusted position and scale of the LEDs to match viewmodel - updated all lod levels and improved LEDs LODs
12 Months Ago
updated viewmodel UV's to have left column of lights to be green and right side of lights to be yellow updated albedo texture accordingly
1 Year Ago
added row of 24 led lights (will need peturs emmision touch here) added bulb all to view model and world model prefabs updated materials to get rid of the now mismatched pcb board textures
1 Year Ago
metal detector addtional bulb at the bottom viewmodel and LODs added it to the the world and viewmodel prefabs.