repoGarrys Modcancel

3,556 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.05cph!

5 Years Ago
remove accidental debug changes
5 Years Ago
Do not allow spawning SWEPs (Spawnmenu middle click) with no world model so they are just invisible on the ground
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
reuse existing translation for hoverball toggle key
5 Years Ago
Added default keybinds to Lamp and Light tools Added "Toggle" keybind for Hoverball tool Given Hoverball tool more sensible defaults Revised Hoverball visuals and placement position Hoverball now shows its "Strength" value in the tooltip Dynamite now shows its "Delay" value in the tooltip
5 Years Ago
Lowercase "objects" in "Unfrozen %i Objects"
5 Years Ago
Added "NiceName" read only field to Undo structure, contains the text shown in player's undo list UI (Community) Removed usage of SendLua in the undo library
5 Years Ago
Minor improvements to PrintTable() (Community Contribution) You can now undo Weapons spawned through Spawnmenu with middle mouse click or the Creator tool (Community) Fixed "Cleanup Scripted Weapons" button only cleaning up Scripted Entities and not Weapons (now does both), Added missing translation for "#Cleaned_Sents" Improvements to prevent spawning props partially inside walls/ground
5 Years Ago
Reduce the minimum value for Light tool brightness to -10 from 0, which makes the light dimmer (-6 in UI) Translated "Unfrozen X objects" and "Undone X" (experimental) hints
5 Years Ago
Overflowing serverside sound precache no longer boots you to main menu/crashes the server Clientside sound precache actually does something now
5 Years Ago
server related steam error code translations
5 Years Ago
Better Orbit camera for DAdjustableModelPanel
5 Years Ago
Playback rate for Icon editor
5 Years Ago
Added the new point_viewcontrol stuff to the .fgd
5 Years Ago
point_viewcontrol features from CSGO: SetTarget/SetTargetAttachment/ReturnToEyes/TeleportToView/SetTrackSpeed/SetPath inputs, "fov" "trackspeed "fov_rate" keyvalues, Set FOV spawnflag
5 Years Ago
Avoid kicks for "Connection rejected by game" Crash with a nicer message on maps that have (purposefully) corrupted first lump
5 Years Ago
Fixed up visuals of DNumberScratch and fixed hover state of DSlider's draggable knob.
5 Years Ago
Undo scriptname load changes, causes issues for mods
5 Years Ago
env_projectedtexture shadows can now be turned on while the projected texture is on
5 Years Ago
More descriptive error messages when Msg* functions fail to call tostring()
5 Years Ago
Ensure clientside Lua on SENTS/SWEPs starts as SOON as the client receives the script name
5 Years Ago
Added sound.EmitHint( SOUND_ enum, position, volume, duration, owner = NULL ) Added SOUND_ enums for the function above
5 Years Ago
physcannon_mega_enabled works as expected Implemented full effects for the mega gravity gun (This requires networking changes to properly work, which will happen closer to the update release) It should no longer be possible for the Gravity Gun effects to break if using pirated game content or otherwise overwriting gmod files (This also makes the effects look closer to Half-Life 2) Fixed Gravity Gun launch/punt effects coming from the wrong place in 3rd person for local player
5 Years Ago
Fixed explosions not respecting the NODLIGHTS flag
5 Years Ago
Fixed a crash with C_BaseCombatWeapon::ShouldDrawUsingViewModel
5 Years Ago
▅▄█ █▊ ▅▍█ ▋▄▅▅▉ █▇▋ ▍▆█▉▊▆▇▌▍
5 Years Ago
Restore invalid model file header checks for VRAD
5 Years Ago
Hammer: Allow right click on 3D view to activate FPS camera controls, on tools where right click in 3d view is not used
5 Years Ago
Hammer: Made the "Default to 15 degree rotations" setting invert what SHIFT does during rotation, not outright disable/disable it
5 Years Ago
█▌▄ ▋▌▅ ▇▌▍▌▊▅▋ ▌▌▇▌▅, ▄▆▇▋
5 Years Ago
Fixed gravity gun not detaching the attached entity on client when the gravity gun is switched away too quickly
5 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to send large dupes (arm them) to server while being able to download large dupes from server. Dupe anti spam is now per-player on server and also exists on client.
5 Years Ago
Fixed "Browse" for func_instance in Hammer not filling the field properly when map .vmf is not located in the GarrysMod/garrysmod/maps folder
5 Years Ago
Fixed "snap to grid" display not updating when it should
5 Years Ago
VRAD no longer crashes with invalid model versions on static props (i.e. Portal 2/CSGO models) VRAD no longer bails compiling vertex lighting for static props with invalid model versions VRAD now uses DX90 vertex format for vertex lighting of static props
5 Years Ago
Fixed HLMV not being able to open VPK folders ( and potentially other places not detecting VPK folders )
5 Years Ago
Fixed Hammer not loading vgui language files Fixed certain labels/buttons in model picker being cut off
5 Years Ago
do not rebuild all skins when a panel gets its skin set Added surface.Get*
5 Years Ago
Added ENT/SWEP.IconOverride (Also works for NPCs/Vehicles)
5 Years Ago
Fixed race condition Lua errors with spawnmenu dupes/saves
5 Years Ago
Fix an issue with OwnerChanged clientside not being called when initially dropping a weapon
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Don't count "no workshop id" as a workshop id for server browser gamemode list, potentially hiding the install button
5 Years Ago
TTT: Fixed broken radio/drop animations ( Community PR#1710 )
5 Years Ago
Same treatment for the gamemodes/ folder (excluding TTT)
5 Years Ago
Let's get this over with: Replaced a bunch of Color( 255, 255, 255 ) cases with color_white, etc
5 Years Ago
Use language string for None weapon for the NPC right click weapon selection
5 Years Ago
Fixed HL2 credits not working
5 Years Ago
Fixed nextbots not respecting EF_NOSHADOW
5 Years Ago
cherrypick language files