3,556 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.05cph!
Fixed hammer, added map compiling tools, added model compiling tool ( needs testing ), moved garrysmod.fgd to GarrysMod/bin
GitSync + Update Bootil to latest version
Fixed net.ReadUInt not using unsigned integers
GitSync + New fancy spawnicons
* Improved preset saving. (Force lowercase, add number prefix)
* Converted old file names to new file names for default presets
Sync with GitHub + One more blocked convar
* Fixed some addons not being able to be extracted.
* Returned maps/*.png to game addon whilelist
* Fixed Player:KillSilent not forcing player to exit vehicle, making him stuck dead
* Fixed util.IsValidModel false-positives, now you can spawn big pipe from HL2
* Added more blocked commands to prevent servers from fukcing up players
* Fixed materials/gm_construct/grass-sand.vmt $surfaceprop2
* Fixed 3 NPC kill achievement not working
* Updated launcher icon
* Fixed Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck and Entity:SetShouldServerRagdoll not being able to reset their values
Fix muzzle for HL2 Pistol worldmodel
Get rid of PlasticSCM files from .vpks too!
Attempt to fix gmad and gmpublish not being included into the depot for OS X and Linux
* Pause the console window on help screen only on windows
* Updated whitelist
* Updated whitelist
* Added ability to update icon of an addon
* Added ( hidden for now ) ability to list all files in users Steam Cloud
* Added additional "remove file" calls to make sure nothing ends up stuck in the Cloud on fail
* Updated help message
* TODO: Add file verification
Update all CS:S weapon models.
Sync with GitHub
Line endings on language files are fucked again apparently.
Updates for gmad.exe:
* Updated premake4.lua to build the project with correct paths
* Added simple drag'n'drop support to gmad.exe
* The "out" path is now automatically calculated for both "extract" and "create" actions, if not overridden manually
* Removing triple output of addon files so now it only does so once
* Added proper help message
Fix line endings of language files.
Fix the rest of the line ending issues
Rollback steam.inf change
Sync with GitHub for 7 Aug 2014
Fixed glock18 and aug muzzle attachments.
Fix attachments on most CS:S view models. Fix elites muzzle flash on left pistol.
Updated icon for c1a1c
Added language string for prop physics multiplayer
Obligatory content changes:
* Perfected SG552 reload animation sounds
* Fixed Deagle muzzle flash
* Restored and Added missing Deagle source file
* Added source files for w_pistol
* Updated icon for c1a1c
Recompiled models will be committed after hotfix is released
Sync with GitHub for 10/07/2014 + Added flag silk icons
Add missing snow footsteps
Update npc_alyx icon, delete useless broken model.
Clarify that you are supposed to install the Zeno Clash Model Pack for gmod.
GitHub sync for 29.06.2014
Added unbindall, unbind, m_yaw, m_pitch to blocked command list. Fixed zombine playermodel vmt.
Sync with GitHub for June 10th.
Fixed PP context panels not opening.