6,189 Commits over 3,836 Days - 0.07cph!
* Remove FCVAR_ARCHIVE flag from cl_thirdperson, sv_backspeed & hud_showemptyweaponslots
* Added measures against fake servers. PLEASE TEST THIS.
* Fixed "DataTable warning: player: Out-of-range value (x) in SendPropFloat"
* Got rid of "Lua JIT is DISABLED!" message
* Fixed a problem with Entity.Weapon_SetActivity
* Added w_bugbait with proper bones
* Fixed timer.Pause & timer.UnPause not check whether the timer is already paused or not
* Fixed game.CleanUpMap() duplicating all decals created by infodecal entities
* Added multvar and incrementvar to blocked convar list
* GitSync
* Fixed engine.WriteSave being able to write files outside of the save folder.
* GitSync
* Don't allow players to download banned addons via WorkshopDL
* GitSync
Added Blade Symphony icon
Changed version format to YYYY.MM.DD instead of YY.MM.DD for VERSIONSTR
* Fixed GMpublish.exe update -icon not working
* Updated GMad.exe to latest version from GitHub
* Fixed a few compile warnings
Fixed a crash with Entity:SetBodygroup
Fixed a crash with Player:ExitVehicle() being used in CPropVehicleDriveable::VPhysicsCollision
Fixed PhysicsCollide for vehicles not being triggered without a driver
Merge some scripts from HL2 games.
* Removed $selfillum from weapon_frag worldmodel
* GitSync
* Fixed JSONToTable duplicate values from arrays
Updated pistol and grenade world models
* Fixed GM:StartChat return value leaving chat visible on super widescreen resolutions.
* Prevented people from putting fake servers to server list
* GMPublish: Only try to remove icon from Steam Cloud if we tried to update it
* GitSync
* Add materials for TOOL.Information stuff
* GitSync
* Fixed physgun beam not removing on drop
* Fixed server workshop addons redownloading even if we already have subscribed to that addon
* Improved performance on server workshop addons when updating the timestamp ( Hopefully this will reduce amount of crashes caused when joining the server )
Improved serverside performance of Player.UniqueID
Player.UniqueID now returns 1 in singleplayer on client too.
Fixed NWVars and GlobalVars default value not working
Recompiled hlfaceposer.exe so it works.
Added english closecaptions for EP1, EP2, Portal
Restored Closed Captions
Missing closedcaption message is hidden by default ( cc_captiontrace )
Added \n to console prints that needed it
Removed TEST[filename] console spam if workshop addon errors
Fixed Combine Autogun on ep2_outland_09 not dealing damage
Updated icons for PHX seats
Automatically unsub from Demos, Saves & Dupes
Attempt to fix Linux compile errors
Fix Legacy Addon gamemodes not loading if the addon doesn't have a lua/ folder.
Apparently I need to change it here too
* Switch to concommand.Run and concommand.Autocomplete instead of the global functions that call functions mentioned before
* Order convars in preset files consistently
* Removed FCVAR_CHEAT flag from cl_drawhud
* Fixed SetupWorldFog & SetupSkyboxFog not being called if the fog was not enabled beforehand by console commands or the map
* Fixed IsOnFire flag not resetting
* Fixed FOV being stuck on some HL2 maps
* Added Blade Symphony to the mountable game list ( Please test )
* Removed addons.txt and gamemodes.txt as they were not used
* Fixed gamemodes not loading properly from legacy addons
* Mount Games after addons, not before
Rollback displacement alpha changes
Fixed displacement alpha being inverted in Hammer
Added Build_Tools.bat to build Mapping and Modelling tools
Added detail.vbsp for hammer
Updated garrysmod.fgd to use new icons
Added icons for the fgd
Fixed hammer, added map compiling tools, added model compiling tool ( needs testing ), moved garrysmod.fgd to GarrysMod/bin
GitSync + Update Bootil to latest version
Fixed net.ReadUInt not using unsigned integers
GitSync + New fancy spawnicons
* Improved preset saving. (Force lowercase, add number prefix)
* Converted old file names to new file names for default presets
Sync with GitHub + One more blocked convar
* Fixed some addons not being able to be extracted.
* Returned maps/*.png to game addon whilelist
* Fixed Player:KillSilent not forcing player to exit vehicle, making him stuck dead
* Fixed util.IsValidModel false-positives, now you can spawn big pipe from HL2
* Added more blocked commands to prevent servers from fukcing up players
* Fixed materials/gm_construct/grass-sand.vmt $surfaceprop2
* Fixed 3 NPC kill achievement not working
* Updated launcher icon
* Fixed Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck and Entity:SetShouldServerRagdoll not being able to reset their values
Fix muzzle for HL2 Pistol worldmodel
Get rid of PlasticSCM files from .vpks too!