22 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed difference between main and backport caves terrain anchors
Deleting some large unused greybox models
Removing unused textures from generic textures folder
deleting old supply drop textures
turns out there were more xmas prefabs to update
removing the odd ones that shouldn't be there but keep coming back
Reduced some texture sizes
Removed some unused textures left
Disabled bonus game on pine_sapling_a to _d
Scene2Prefab - prefabs only
Re-painted topologies in some monuments to define inner trails as roads
Fixed stables enclosures not having grass in them
Remapped Festive door wreath, Door and window xmas deco
Remapped the Xmas tree models to use the tree pine texture sheet
a bunch of fixes for Dome/SatDish
Simpler material for LS terrain hill meshes
Preventing giant excavator terrain from flooding
Removed a cliff you could sometimes get under at WTP
Projector light at stables_b optimizations
Better road collision detection on some of the cliffs prefabs
nudging static windmill slightly in bandit town (vanes clipping)
merge from bandit town optims