
16 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

27 Days Ago
sound trigger volumes
27 Days Ago
heliconia billboards, prefabs, spawn prefabs
27 Days Ago
heliconia rostrata files - models, textures, mats
27 Days Ago
merge from jungle ruins
33 Days Ago
mauritia flexuosa - rest of the models and prefabs
34 Days Ago
mauritia flexuosa M variant with LODs and billboard, materials initial commit
39 Days Ago
material tweaks to decal/moss
40 Days Ago
strangler fig wall decal textures/mat and decal prefab
41 Days Ago
freestanding tree and 360 large canopy strangler fig files/prefabs
42 Days Ago
extra strangler fig tree types to accomodate corners of buildings
50 Days Ago
final prefabs
50 Days Ago
cleanup folder
50 Days Ago
removed unused mat impostor assets billboards setup
50 Days Ago
texture tweaks
50 Days Ago
collisions for strangler figs and sound triggers in foliage
54 Days Ago
strangler fig models - LOD and billboards, materials and textures