
15 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

10 Months Ago
Tweaked MaxDepth and MaxFloor for caves in World Setup
10 Months Ago
Underground environment volumes now forced underground during placement Underground and building environment volumes now prevent overlaps during placement MaxDepth, MaxFloor, MaxCount are set in inspector
10 Months Ago
More prefab work (dungeon volumes, environment volumes)
10 Months Ago
Procedural cave piece tweaks Removed well_a, b and c pieces from procedural caves since they cannot be climbed back up
10 Months Ago
More procedural cave piece prefab setup
10 Months Ago
GenerateDungeonBase / AIInformationZone NRE exception fixes when some stuff isn't set
10 Months Ago
Added procedural cave generation to World Setup
10 Months Ago
Added TerrainPathConnect to procedural cave entrances
10 Months Ago
Added InfrastructureType.Cave
10 Months Ago
Initial socket setup for the cave pieces
10 Months Ago
Initial sockets for procedural cave entrances
10 Months Ago
Removing old cave prefabs, disabling Scene2Prefab on old cave scenes
10 Months Ago
ProceduralMapCave scene
10 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link (to avoid merge conflicts later)
10 Months Ago
Merge from main