
45 Commits over 61 Days - 0.03cph!

32 Days Ago
updated minicrossbow 3p anims to match viewmodel
32 Days Ago
made minicrossbow reload anims quicker, from 97 frames to 70 frames
33 Days Ago
edited vm minicrossbow reload anims
33 Days Ago
reordered viewmodel minicrossbow reload anims
36 Days Ago
updated 3p and vm minicrossbow reload anims
36 Days Ago
mini crossbow world model anims updated with a clip of shoot 4 shots in a row and -90 rotation on the barrel
36 Days Ago
exported reload anims 20 percent faster for 3p minicrossbow
37 Days Ago
exported updated vm mini crossbow reload anims
39 Days Ago
3p minicrossbow 4 reload end anim set up
39 Days Ago
3p minicrossbow 4 reload animations set up
39 Days Ago
minicrossbow arrow edit on reload start anim to remove lerping arrow and anim.controller transition tweaks
40 Days Ago
removed linked arrow meshes from minicrossbow viewmodel prefab
40 Days Ago
exported mini crossbow rig with the arrow meshes skinned and anims updated
43 Days Ago
updated minicrossbow vm anims
43 Days Ago
updated mini crossbow 3p anims
44 Days Ago
linked wooden arrows and arrow heads to mini crossbow wm in entity prefab and updated anims
44 Days Ago
updated mini crossbow 3p anims and edited skinning on gun rig
45 Days Ago
exported updated vm minicrossbow anims
45 Days Ago
exported vm minicrossbow idle strings drawn back anim
46 Days Ago
updated vm minicrossbow anims
46 Days Ago
updated vm minicrossbow string idle anims
47 Days Ago
edited vm mini crossbow shoot animations
47 Days Ago
exported latest vm mini crossbow anims
2 Months Ago
linked and positioned fire,poison,bone,stone and metal arrow heads to bolt joint 3 and 4 in minicrossbow view model prefab.
2 Months Ago
linked and positioned fire,poison,bone,stone and metal arrow heads to bolt joint 1 and 2 in minicrossbow view model prefab. Also added 'viewmodel sway' and 'viewmodel lower' scripts.
2 Months Ago
created v_minicrossbow_bolt and linked to the 4 bolt joints in viewmodel prefab
2 Months Ago
exported 4 reload anims for vm mini crossbow and the rig again so all 4 bolt joints are in the correct postion
2 Months Ago
3p mini corssbow anims updated
2 Months Ago
split vm mini crossbow reload anim into 3 parts and removed skinned mesh arrows from its rig
2 Months Ago
edited the minicrossbow vm rotation curve for the barrel on viewmodel prefab
2 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel animations updated
3 Months Ago
vm mini crossbow rig updated also deploy and admire animation edits
3 Months Ago
edited mini crossbow 3p anims, set the anim clips to get the r prop bone working and set up holster position
3 Months Ago
set up mini crossbow world model and intial anims
3 Months Ago
mini crossbow admire anim updated and rotate barrel anti clockwise clip created
3 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel animations edited
3 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel animations updated
3 Months Ago
updated viewmodel mini crossbow anims
3 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel anims updated
3 Months Ago
updated rig and anims for mini crossbow
3 Months Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel anims and skinning edits
3 Months Ago
added mini crossbow viewmodel camera script and its updated rig and idle pose.
3 Months Ago
edited ads postion in mini crossbow viewmodel prefab
3 Months Ago
exported updated mini crossbow rig and assigned textures
4 Months Ago
setting up 4shot crossbow viewmodel