
515 Commits over 700 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Days Ago
exported all tiger animations after skeleton namespace update
12 Days Ago
edited crocodile swim idle height/pose and made an additive mouth open pose for walk forwards
13 Days Ago
edited crocodile sprint and swim attack anims
14 Days Ago
updated scientist outbreak sprayer anims
15 Days Ago
exported crocodile back pedal, edited attack and intimdate animations
15 Days Ago
exported updated tiger drag animation
18 Days Ago
exported updated crocodile intimidate attack anim
18 Days Ago
more head rotation during crocodile intimdate attack anim
18 Days Ago
re exported crocodile intimidate attack anim
18 Days Ago
exported crocodile static and run death anims and updated intimidate attack anim
21 Days Ago
edited crocodile turn 90 left and right anims and exported wip croc intimidate attack rm anim
21 Days Ago
outbreak scientist spray anims re exoprted and holdtype updated
22 Days Ago
exported edited crocddile animations
25 Days Ago
crocodile animation exported after rig edit
25 Days Ago
exported crocodile sprint attack and turn animations after rig edit
25 Days Ago
exported crocodile turn anims with root motion
25 Days Ago
exported crocodile sprint atack anim after rig edit
25 Days Ago
crocodile sprint attack anim re-exported
25 Days Ago
linked outbreak sprayer override controller to outbreak sprayer entity prefab
25 Days Ago
created scientist_outbreak_sprayer.override controller and populated with 3p sprayer anims
25 Days Ago
exported outbreak scientist sprayer animations
26 Days Ago
exported crocodile swim sprint attack animation
26 Days Ago
tiger tree finish rm anim edited
26 Days Ago
exported updated tiger climb animations
27 Days Ago
tiger drag anim sped up and moves further
27 Days Ago
exported some tiger animations with wibbley wobbley tail physics
27 Days Ago
tiger attack ledge anim exported after vertical movement edits
27 Days Ago
exported tiger drag animation
28 Days Ago
edited y curve on tiger ledge attack jump rootmotiondata asset
32 Days Ago
edited tiger ledge attack anim
33 Days Ago
wip tiger attack ledge anim editing so it works on low ledges as well as higher ones
34 Days Ago
added and updated some crocodile animations
34 Days Ago
tiger ledge attack anim exported with vertical motion again
35 Days Ago
tiger ledge attack reexport with no vertical movement
35 Days Ago
tiger ledge attack rootmotion bone now aligns with the hip bone throughout the animation
36 Days Ago
skinned updated minicrossbow viewmodel mesh on vm rig and edited targetpoint and ironsight default point in viewmodel so the arrow shoots where expected when ADS
46 Days Ago
crocodile turns and sprint anims edited
46 Days Ago
edited tiger run 180 left and right anims and updated prowl fire anim
46 Days Ago
exported snake hiss anim
47 Days Ago
exported tiger vm kill and run hit additive anims
47 Days Ago
exported more snake anims
47 Days Ago
exported crocdile sprint, sprint attack, intimdate and turning anims
48 Days Ago
exported crocodile turn 90 left and right anims
48 Days Ago
exported snake rig with all lods now skinned
49 Days Ago
snake anim controller set up and linked to its entity
50 Days Ago
snake animations and rig exported
53 Days Ago
re exported tiger anims that needed it to get of the mental right lip
55 Days Ago
exported tiger run to 180 anims so the pelvis follows the root motion joint consistently
55 Days Ago
put original tiger run hit anim back in and edited unity settings for tiger fire and run atk anims
55 Days Ago
exported tiger prowl/run fire and run to attack anims. updated tiger run hit anim