
42 Commits over 61 Days - 0.03cph!

vm mini crossbow rig updated also deploy and admire animation edits
edited mini crossbow 3p anims, set the anim clips to get the r prop bone working and set up holster position
set up mini crossbow world model and intial anims
4 Days Ago
Major wip: - Set up fractional reload - Setup fast reload values (purely wip and testing) - Setup Mini Crossbow script (sets shots left value) - Use shots left to blend anims
4 Days Ago
mini crossbow admire anim updated and rotate barrel anti clockwise clip created
4 Days Ago
Manifest Codegen
4 Days Ago
main -> 4ShotMiniCrossbow
8 Days Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel animations edited
11 Days Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel animations updated
15 Days Ago
updated viewmodel mini crossbow anims
16 Days Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel anims updated
16 Days Ago
updated rig and anims for mini crossbow
16 Days Ago
properly set texture sizes in the import settings
16 Days Ago
added mini crossbow bolt smaller mesh version of the wood arrow - same material
17 Days Ago
mini crossbow viewmodel anims and skinning edits
17 Days Ago
added mini crossbow viewmodel camera script and its updated rig and idle pose.
17 Days Ago
mini crossbow textures resized too
18 Days Ago
edited ads postion in mini crossbow viewmodel prefab
18 Days Ago
missing files
18 Days Ago
removed the prefab just made updated ians worldmodel prefab with new mesh renamed VM fbx to be more consistent with prefabs
18 Days Ago
mini cross bow world model lods and basic prefab setup w some scripts
18 Days Ago
Mini crossbow icon render setup and icon
18 Days Ago
Mini crossbow: - Swapped world model to use the viewmodel for just now - Added multi swap arrow script to support multiple swap arrows in different slots
19 Days Ago
main -> 4ShotMiniCrossbow
19 Days Ago
folder renaming
19 Days Ago
fixes for ironsights not working
19 Days Ago
exported updated mini crossbow rig and assigned textures
19 Days Ago
mini cross bow mesh update updated textures & materials added extra loops to the bow string to allow better anims
19 Days Ago
removed unused blockout mesh and .mats
30 Days Ago
Fix viewmodel errors Rebuild manifest
30 Days Ago
prepared prefabs created ironsights in .viewmodel and set to use, also set swap arrows script to 0 & not active (to remove errors) renamed fbxs
30 Days Ago
renaming - added underscore and renamed .viewmodel as missed
30 Days Ago
Renamed '4 shot mini crossbow' to 'mini crossbow'
30 Days Ago
setting up 4shot crossbow viewmodel
30 Days Ago
Setup crossbow world model - Setup colliders and alignment
30 Days Ago
Used prefab instead
30 Days Ago
Changed world model to be blockout
31 Days Ago
- Upped crossbow built in magazine to 4 - Enabled fractional reload - Manifest
31 Days Ago
Initial item setup, just a duplicated crossbow for now
31 Days Ago
merge from main - attempting check-in fix
32 Days Ago
merge from main
58 Days Ago
4 shot mini crossbow folder setup & basic blockout / grey box