19 Commits over 28 Days - 0.03cph!
edited crocodile swim idle height/pose and made an additive mouth open pose for walk forwards
edited crocodile sprint and swim attack anims
exported crocodile back pedal, edited attack and intimdate animations
exported updated crocodile intimidate attack anim
more head rotation during crocodile intimdate attack anim
re exported crocodile intimidate attack anim
exported crocodile static and run death anims and updated intimidate attack anim
edited crocodile turn 90 left and right anims and exported wip croc intimidate attack rm anim
exported edited crocddile animations
crocodile animation exported after rig edit
exported crocodile sprint attack and turn animations after rig edit
exported crocodile turn anims with root motion
exported crocodile sprint atack anim after rig edit
crocodile sprint attack anim re-exported
exported crocodile swim sprint attack animation
added and updated some crocodile animations
crocodile turns and sprint anims edited
exported crocdile sprint, sprint attack, intimdate and turning anims
exported crocodile turn 90 left and right anims