
135 Commits over 273 Days - 0.02cph!

12 Days Ago
Merge from main
12 Days Ago
Fix warning spam on tiger Remove test script from craggy
12 Days Ago
edited crocodile swim idle height/pose and made an additive mouth open pose for walk forwards
12 Days Ago
Merge from main
12 Days Ago
- Add croc death anims - Fix croc not caring about threats when eating - Fix NRE after killing player - FIx animal death stats and achievement not working for wolf/tiger/croc
13 Days Ago
Merge from tiger (to fix trophies)
13 Days Ago
Have croc not bother to approach prey if it's already too far from water, instead of starting to approach it but then give up
13 Days Ago
Previous changeset didn't go through
13 Days Ago
Have croc match their prey aggression Which means they'll be hyperagressive if sprayed non-stop Pause sometimes when not hit for a while Take their time if not hit at all This helps the croc feel more balanced when faced with different player loadouts Also make croc belly flop side-steppable again as the primary counter play
13 Days Ago
edited crocodile sprint and swim attack anims
13 Days Ago
Fix remaining client/server compile errors
13 Days Ago
- Fix npc head look not working in demos - Fix npc jumps looking odd in demos - Modify PrintDefinedFlags editor tools to also show tags defined in entity components - Delete obsolete RPC_SetRagdollSpringShortened - Fix client/server compile error
14 Days Ago
Increase static bite hitbox
14 Days Ago
Revert previous change and add flag to be consitent with previous code, and potentially easier to debug
14 Days Ago
Update croc and tiger dragging
14 Days Ago
Missing part of previous commit
14 Days Ago
Prevents multiple systems overriding each other changes when modifying the corpse spring joint
14 Days Ago
Fix NRE when croc dragging serverside ragdoll
14 Days Ago
Iterate on croc behaviour, remove zigzag attack, re-add static attack
15 Days Ago
Fix tracking accumulating error
15 Days Ago
Add failure transitions to croc to fix log spam
15 Days Ago
Fix croc diving under terrain
15 Days Ago
Fix croc hitboxes being activated too early (needed to take into account pos interp delay) - previous commit didn't go through
15 Days Ago
Fix croc hitboxes being activated too early (needed to take into account pos interp delay)
15 Days Ago
exported crocodile back pedal, edited attack and intimdate animations
15 Days Ago
Increase blend durations
15 Days Ago
Always snap after turn
15 Days Ago
Improve belly flop tracking, break up long intimidation with slow walk, disable zigzag attack temporarily
15 Days Ago
Make croc snap more often at a distance
15 Days Ago
Reduce croc speed when bringing food back to water
17 Days Ago
Port croc corpse carry ragdoll stability fixes to tiger
17 Days Ago
- Improve crocodile behaviour against static prey - Fix crocodile getting stuck cycling between states when live prey is near food
17 Days Ago
Fix player corpse bouncing a lot when carried by the crocodile
17 Days Ago
Fix croc sliding during zigzag bite
18 Days Ago
exported updated crocodile intimidate attack anim
18 Days Ago
Fix spine deform not being applied during locomotion
18 Days Ago
more head rotation during crocodile intimdate attack anim
18 Days Ago
- Update timing of zigzag attack - Fix rotation not being handle properly when using root motion tracking - Reduce senseless croc jaw snap spam
18 Days Ago
re exported crocodile intimidate attack anim
18 Days Ago
- Fix crocodile jaw snap not doing damage - Fix crocodile doing nothing when the prey is very close and it's intimidating - Fix crocodile not looking at prey while intimidating
18 Days Ago
exported crocodile static and run death anims and updated intimidate attack anim
18 Days Ago
updated croc ragdoll prefab to look less goofy.
18 Days Ago
Decouple look-at and spine-deform when enabling on a per animation basis (fix spine deform being disabled inadvertently)
18 Days Ago
Fix crocodile sampling water at their visual location instead of at the nav agent location, causing them to go under terrain - Decouple look-at and spine-deform when enabling on a per animation basis (this gets rid of issues where spine deform was inadvertently disabled)
18 Days Ago
- Fix crocodile diving instantly, dives at plausible speed - Fix crocodile spine procedural anim always being disabled
18 Days Ago
Have croc exit dive if it happens to move out of the water
18 Days Ago
- Croc dives after fleeing into water instead of staying on the surface, right now the dive snaps the depth we need to look into it - Make crocs float lower under the water so only snouth and back are visible - Prevent croc from using land animations in water, and vice-versa - Fix error from OnValidate - Run codegen to fix compile error
18 Days Ago
Merge from main
18 Days Ago
Fix error because of OnValidate firing during gameplay
19 Days Ago
Updated layer for crocodile ragdoll