
36 Commits over 245 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Days Ago
added and updated some crocodile animations
15 Days Ago
crocodile turns and sprint anims edited
16 Days Ago
exported crocdile sprint, sprint attack, intimdate and turning anims
17 Days Ago
exported crocodile turn 90 left and right anims
17 Days Ago
Merge from tiger
17 Days Ago
Re-add missing part of plugin lost with merge
17 Days Ago
Fix compile errors and warnings
18 Days Ago
Merge from tiger
23 Days Ago
Setup crocodile pop to spawn only in swamp, riverside or lakeside
23 Days Ago
Make crocodile prefer being in water when roaming or fleeing unlike other animals who try to avoid it
24 Days Ago
Fix croc sometimes snapping between water surface and water floor
25 Days Ago
Fix head pop, but had to disable the head look, need to find a way to order proc anim on spine and neck properly
25 Days Ago
Add proc anim to croc tail
25 Days Ago
Conform crocodile x-axis (roll) rotation to slopes, as even though it looks odd with tall animals it looks natural for them
25 Days Ago
Setup spine movement
25 Days Ago
- decrease acceleration when swimming - increase land sprint speed - charge when injured - fix swim sprint anim playing briefly sometimes when not sprinting - submerge more when swimming
25 Days Ago
Switch land or swim attack depending on context
25 Days Ago
Add placeholder audio
26 Days Ago
Prototype swimming, reduce head turn range
26 Days Ago
Reduce foot sliding, rebuild manifest, fix charge
26 Days Ago
Setup crocodile fsm and animator
26 Days Ago
Merge from tiger as there are a lof of shared improvements that need to be ported
26 Days Ago
Bring over locomotion improvements from tiger branch
26 Days Ago
Merge from main
33 Days Ago
added Swim/SwimAttack/SwimIdle/SwimSprint animations added temp crocodile fbx with all animations
33 Days Ago
Set up crocodile required gameplay assets
36 Days Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
removed crocodile head mesh from HuntingTrophy_Large fbx. Added new mesh with Croc head mesh. Re-setup the huntingtrophy prefab with new mesh.
7 Months Ago
Added Croc to hunting trophy, modified corpe prefab, changed Item definition in croc prefab.
7 Months Ago
Set-up corpse prefab and ragdoll prefab for croc. addad hitboxes and various scripts to croc prefab.
7 Months Ago
Updated croc mesh, added new textures, materials and LODs
8 Months Ago
Crocodile prefab work
8 Months Ago
Crocodile prefab references crocodile model (no longer model in animation fbx) Split animations into separate .fbx files Updated animations with correct scale (exported from source) Folder/file cleanup
8 Months Ago
Added scaled crocodile rig and mesh
8 Months Ago
Renamed crcodile anims file
8 Months Ago
Initial setup