
12 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

26 Days Ago
updated minicrossbow viewmodel and world model rigs with latest weapon mesh and updated viewmodel prefab material paths
30 Days Ago
slight edit to vm minicrossbow admire anim and 3p reload anims
30 Days Ago
edited vm minicrossbow rotation curves on viewmodel prefab and updated wonky strings on strings pulled back idle
40 Days Ago
deleted test file
40 Days Ago
test commit
2 Months Ago
edited player animation.controller so the shield impact animations work correctly
2 Months Ago
exported 3p shield anims correctly and turned 'write defaults' back on for the metal shield idle in player animation controller
2 Months Ago
edited shield impact animations and edited theiranim transition lengths on player controller. Also applied missing impact melee anims on v shield override controllers
3 Months Ago
metal shield 3p melee attack anim updated
3 Months Ago
removed shield blocking condition on the transition from idle to shield melee attack anim on the handshield layer in player animator to get the melee attack animation to play correctly
3 Months Ago
added mask to 3p shields animations so the prop bones are used and edited shields held postions/holster postions
3 Months Ago
updated vm improvised/reinforced and wooden shields override controllers with the correct anims