
22 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Months Ago
shield 3rd person attack anim split into 3 parts
3 Months Ago
edited wooden shield position in its entity prefab to sit better on the player arm when chunky clothes are equipped
3 Months Ago
edited clip range for metal shield attack anims and set up the wooden shield animator for melee attacks too
3 Months Ago
set viewmodel reinforced woodshield to use metal shield animations
3 Months Ago
viewmodel wooden shield animaionns edited
3 Months Ago
viewmodel metal shield anims updated so the arm is visible
3 Months Ago
updated wooden shield viewmodel animations so the arm is visible and tweaked position of the improvied shield in its viewmodel prefab so that it works using the same animations
3 Months Ago
viewmodel wooden shield viewable arm test anims
4 Months Ago
updated metal shield admire animation transition on metal shield animator
4 Months Ago
assigned wooden shield viewmodel animator to improvised shield
4 Months Ago
hooked up view model anims for the 2 wooden shields and edited admire transitions on their animators
4 Months Ago
added 3p shield impact melee and impact ranged anims to player animation.controller
4 Months Ago
edited shield entity positions so the shields sit correctly in the hands
4 Months Ago
exported edited viewmodel metal shield animations
4 Months Ago
exported edited 3p shield idle pose anim
4 Months Ago
updated holster position for metal shield
4 Months Ago
assigned shield 3p anims on player animation controller and edited metal shield position in its entity
4 Months Ago
setup admire anim for metal shield
5 Months Ago
removed the metal shield skin from rig then linked the v_shield to the weapon rootbone in the prefab.
5 Months Ago
exported metal shield world model anims
5 Months Ago
setting up metal shield viewmodel anims
5 Months Ago
setting up metal shield viewmodel