
22 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Disable aantihack for spectators Set main camera resolution a different way because the one I did before doesn't work
4 Years Ago
Increase graphics quality Lower main camera resolution instead of disabling it completely
4 Years Ago
Config tweaks
4 Years Ago
More EAC disabling for spectators
4 Years Ago
Ignore EAC auth for spectator client (they need a password only the server owner would know)
4 Years Ago
Some more stuff for building
4 Years Ago
Fix server build
4 Years Ago
Disable AnimatorLOD in spectator builds Disable occlusion culling when the render controller initializes
4 Years Ago
Hide spectator from snapshots Disable foliage and decor refresh because they don't get rendered Move the sky so it doesn't render weird
4 Years Ago
Update LODs when rendering CCTV, validate images properly too
4 Years Ago
Add support for multiple job assignments per client
4 Years Ago
Stripping down the CCTV render code
4 Years Ago
Close the game when the spectator client disconnects, if it auto connected to a server
4 Years Ago
Spawn spectator players in the sky (with noclip+god mode)
4 Years Ago
Build config for spectator client Fix issues with connecting using the spectator build
4 Years Ago
Fix LocalPlayer not being set
4 Years Ago
Spectator clients can connect now, kind of
4 Years Ago
WIP spectator networking stuff
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
WIP spectator "platform" and authentication
4 Years Ago
Refactoring platform code to use a new UserId type instead of direct ulong