
26 Commits over 31 Days - 0.03cph!

10 Months Ago
atlassed crate materials / models
10 Months Ago
fixed some holes in mesh, stretched uvs on monitor screen, added back panel for storage adaptor on retro tc
10 Months Ago
postit note
10 Months Ago
fixed gibs displaying correct materila, gib tweaks
10 Months Ago
icon, texture tweaks
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
retro tc lods, collision, updated textures
10 Months Ago
texture tweaks, combined mesh
10 Months Ago
missing textures
10 Months Ago
first pass on final textures, material setup
10 Months Ago
moved screen back more
10 Months Ago
screen placement position move
10 Months Ago
refraction material
10 Months Ago
fixed clipping issue
10 Months Ago
ao on tools
10 Months Ago
made black screenbacks all flat geo
10 Months Ago
set metalness value on spraypaintcan.mat to 1 (it was set to 0)
10 Months Ago
codelock placement
10 Months Ago
tweaks to screw placement on texture group 03
10 Months Ago
screen material
10 Months Ago
extra material screen and uploaded crate models
10 Months Ago
lots of tool size and position tweaks, new crates, removed wood supports, rebaked maps
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
positioning tweaks
10 Months Ago
very first pass getting model in game