
98 Commits over 60 Days - 0.07cph!

5 Months Ago
Retro Tool Cupboard store setup + design content
5 Months Ago
Merge from store-ui-rtc
5 Months Ago
atlassed crate materials / models
5 Months Ago
Added a small animation sequence to the monitors when deployed to hide the server delay
5 Months Ago
fixed some holes in mesh, stretched uvs on monitor screen, added back panel for storage adaptor on retro tc
5 Months Ago
Compile fix
5 Months Ago
Updated destroy sound
5 Months Ago
AlphaSinPulse component
5 Months Ago
Decaying pulse, making sure block count texts won't overflow when >100
5 Months Ago
Code cleanup, moved screens update to invokes
5 Months Ago
Fixed screen showing not authorised state after logging out
5 Months Ago
Restored disabled login screen gameobject
5 Months Ago
Merged main into toolcupboard_retroskin
5 Months Ago
retro tool cupboard sounds
5 Months Ago
Brightened door glass up just a tad. Killed the duplicate screenmaterial that was no longer used.
5 Months Ago
Fixed parts of the screen sorting poorly/disappearing when crouching Fixed clipping on one part of the glitch animation.
5 Months Ago
Updated storage adaptor sockets names
5 Months Ago
LocalPosAnim for screen signal distort.
5 Months Ago
Shifted login screen to the monitor with the sticky note, because funnier. Other fixes.
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Various screen related.
5 Months Ago
█▍▋▊▍▄▉▊▇▊ ▄▋▋▅ ▉▆ ▄▄▊▉ ▍▆▇▆ ▊██▅▊▆▌▌▆▊ ▉▍ ▄ ▌▅▅ ▆▋▄█.
5 Months Ago
postit note
5 Months Ago
List pooling
5 Months Ago
Various lighting, material, occlusion, screen improvements. (WIP)
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Fixed errors when the TC is not associated to any building (spawned via command)
5 Months Ago
Prefab cleanup, fixed screens initialization
5 Months Ago
Converted retro tool cupboard from prefab variant to normal prefab Fixed StringPool errors on retro tool cupboard
5 Months Ago
Fixed resource boxes disappearing after leaving network range and returning
5 Months Ago
Fixed screens not appearing on lowest object quality
5 Months Ago
Tweaked LOD culling distance to match regular TC
5 Months Ago
Tweaked front storage adaptor position
5 Months Ago
Added placeholder sounds
5 Months Ago
Force screens to update when first deployed
5 Months Ago
Tweaked boxes placement and scale
5 Months Ago
Fixed tools not being released when TC is destroyed
5 Months Ago
Merged main into toolcupboard_retroskin
5 Months Ago
Move skinnable asset into root Tool Cupboard directory and fixed prefab name
5 Months Ago
Make BindRendererBouds component IClientComponent to fix asset warmup issues in server prefabs Updated construction guide mesh
5 Months Ago
Fixed not being able to convert a retro TC to a vanilla TC with spray can (make it's repair target the retro TC item def so that spray can understands the relationship) Fix spray can not copying over authorized players when switching between redirect TC skins
6 Months Ago
merge from main
6 Months Ago
fixed gibs displaying correct materila, gib tweaks
6 Months Ago
icon, texture tweaks
6 Months Ago
restored open/close sounds
6 Months Ago
Restored upkeep cost, moved detailed colliders to the Deployed layer
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago
retro tc lods, collision, updated textures
6 Months Ago
texture tweaks, combined mesh
6 Months Ago
Prefab pooling