1,031 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.02cph!
added turntable prefabs for easter and abyss items but they need transform tweaks once the store is set up
fixed chicken suit world and worn prefab randomisers, and gave prefab groups more sensible names
fixed randomiser on horse costume, set up world model outline script on both horse and chicken costume, tweaked lod distances
merge from
117533 horse costume world model
removed old horsecostume model and set outline script on chicken costume
changed ui sounds to cloth and burlap sack
set pickup sound on sunken combat knife and original combat knife to metal deep instead of bone
renamed sunken knife token description viewable in repair bench to "Sunken Combat Knife"
enabled mipmaps on horse costume
toggle crouch fade on horse costume
temportat DBS rebuild commit
merge from
117546 horse ao texture
merge from
117545 horse textures 4->2k
merge from easterinflatablehorsedlc
mirrored chicken stats to horse stats, crafting costs, egg vision, description, foot sounds . Set up steam item file and set to no trade
merge from jungle_building_skin_merge
merged from jungle_building_skin
shell tests with hide_poncho to give it volume when using skins with transparency
merge from workshop_qol #
116942 compound bow fixes
reverted, should be on a branch
merge from workshop_qol #
116942 compound bow fixes
rebuilt compound_bow entity prefab, added correct arrow mesh, reseated arrow attachments, tweaked arrow position so it fits through compound bow holes, tweaked bow position to look correct in hands, tweaked auto turret position
aligned arrow type heads properly to end of arrow in compound_bow entity
merge from
116879 , added taylors pants and hoodie changes
added shelf 9959 - hoodie and pants fixes
re-assigned arrow renderer on crossbow to work with turrets
merge from world_crossbow
rebuilt prefab so arrow mesh shows up
merged in tom's fixed hammer material and albedo, ao from his weapons_tool_ao fix branch
merge from
101733 - weapon_tool_ao_fixes materials
merge from
101745 - weapon_tool_ao_fixes
sunken knife prefab setup - now uses combat knife prefab duplicate, set up as steam item and set to spawn as skin of combat knife, added sounds to sound folder, rebuilt manifest and skins asset
merge from main, will rebuild mannifest
temporarily reverted combat knife invert so we can debug the workshop tool before any fixes
Flipped combat knife mesh in v and w to have parity with the workshop downloaded combat knife model, and now text doesn't appear flipped on the in-game combat knife. Have tested with all approved knife skins. This does mean some unapproved knife skins will have flipped text/symbols if they uploaded their skin with manual flip compensation.
set rustige egg g steam sitem.asset to retired-nocrate-notrade and updated manifest
merged from Easter2025 (lets not use this one anymore)
added pauls new icons for missing meat icons
updated pie icons with lewis's new ones and added the unsued ones too
created special CC materials for pies when cooking
merge from visual_cooking_conditionls_merge #