10 Commits over 365 Days - 0.00cph!
resized mannequin textures from 4k to 2k
re-exported mannequin with max 4 bones per vert, moved to citizen folder, recompiled
wip mannequin model
wip mannequin model
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
fixed bollard pivot / lower vertices issue and set them to 0
fixed bollard pivot / lower vertices issue and set them to 0
split off lamp_post_pole_brachet_01 from its ring, made ring new model, set pivot on lamp_post_door to nearer the mesh, re-added to hammer lamp_post_combined file
updated lamp_post components so they snap to hammer grid better, Added bollard_bar_balljoint
Rebuilt lamp_post components collision and recompiled, added bollard_bar_balljoint to bollard textures / materials, set up lods and collision etc and compiled
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
watermelon health and impact damage tweaks
watermelon surface file wip
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
added full gibs to watermelon, new textures, added scatter and set up in material
Added watermelon prop with gibs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox