
8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!

9 Years Ago
Added. Better spatial hash. Path simplification. Lot block generation! Stuff rough though.
9 Years Ago
Road stuff -- Shit though!?
9 Years Ago
Island and road snapping.
9 Years Ago
Added cursor and line when creating roads.
9 Years Ago
Updates to the city editor structure.
9 Years Ago
Going home.
9 Years Ago
Can now delete road sections. Detecting chunk updates still a bit buggy. Fixed bug with listen server bootstrapping.
9 Years Ago
Only updating the correct chunks now. Seems to work.
9 Years Ago
Roads are now fully textured.
9 Years Ago
Most of road texturing set up.
9 Years Ago
Making changes to road meshing.
9 Years Ago
Mesh collider are now generated.
9 Years Ago
Updating city island meshes in a shit work to test it.
9 Years Ago
Road updates. Getting ready to base them into the terrain.
9 Years Ago
Island is terrain chunked up to speed up cutting holes.
9 Years Ago
Refactored island. Can have terrain based and non terrain based.
9 Years Ago
Road updates
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Added road prefabs. Upgraded to new Arc. FUCKED OFF OLD ARC.
9 Years Ago
DELETED OLD HALF EDGE MESH SCRIPTS. City editor UI tweaks. Added basic road network scripts.
9 Years Ago
Terrain texturing stuff.
9 Years Ago
Set up island splat stuff.
9 Years Ago
Checking in shit I forgot.
9 Years Ago
Shifted UI slightly
9 Years Ago
Added some more control to island generation.
9 Years Ago
Added city island
9 Years Ago
Added new geometry.
9 Years Ago
Removed old geometry
9 Years Ago
Added editor camera.
9 Years Ago
Looking into perlin based zoning.
9 Years Ago
Setting up new city editor.
9 Years Ago
Fucked off old city stuff ready to get in new stuff.
9 Years Ago
Fixed network level loading on server.
9 Years Ago
Flags bugs
9 Years Ago
Removed old player flags
9 Years Ago
Player flags are set.
9 Years Ago
Set up server users and added admin commands.
9 Years Ago
Players drop all their items on death. Fixed inventory panel bug on listen server. Fixed playereyes deserialize issue.
9 Years Ago
Refactored looting. Not 100% though.
9 Years Ago
Refactoring looting...
9 Years Ago
Refactoring interaction.
9 Years Ago
Dropping items works.
9 Years Ago
Adding support for item drops.
9 Years Ago
Server restarting, kicking, money items.
9 Years Ago
Added player kicking, untested.
9 Years Ago
About to test some build processing. This could go wrong.
9 Years Ago
Player eyes are now an entitybehavior
9 Years Ago
Refactoring eyes.
9 Years Ago
Hooked up some of the tweaks stuff.
9 Years Ago
Adjusted network culling grid calculation, adjusted the way level loads on servers.