257,784 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Added approximation of torque/speed relation
Particle egg thing backup because I'm too lazy to split into a new proj right now
Fixed mouse getting unlocked after window lost focus
Added a really basic version number with display on the main screen.
Just increased MAX_PROXY_TIME_DELAY since we have no extrapolation ability.
Added documentation comments for posterity
TakeFromDispenserSettings consume fix
Half-assed fix for gamma darkening when resizing viewport with TSSAA enabled
Skin shader tweaks
TakeFromDispenser picks up item using animation bypass overload
removed unused materials and switched used one to new animal shader for the bear
switched animal_skin shader to new shader (used on clothes)
More debugging convar stuff
Moved UpdateWaterVisibility to LateUpdate
Building list now gets sent to clients when they join.
Shot in the dark: Eliminated physics call from Camera.OnPreRender, toggle with ambientvolumes as well
Fixed VisualFXParameters adding duplicate VisualFX components to prefabs when cached
Removed animations from ConsumeFromX interactions
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Animation event debug stuff
Fixed RUST-1439 - Barricades at Sat dish have no collision / not destructible
Feature creeped a last minute radtown highrise.
Fixed potential DebugToolsObject.DrawUnitGizmos NRE
Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException when publishing and Steam is down
VisualFX particle system API changes
Changed camera collider for triggers to own layer, just to be sure
If can't init Steam on the server - just quit instead of throwing thousands of errors.
Fixed applying skins on server
Catch log file creation exceptions
Fixed player weapon hold type never being set
Fixed PatrolHelicopterAI serialization
fixed missing radiation at airfield
Profiling directives, fixed a couple of bad samples
Fixed badly imported flame fx texture
AvatarPostprocessor moved to AvatarUtility, available via menu
Added SteamServer.PublicIp (modders)
Player created desire momentum tweak.
Cooking AI tweak.