254,254 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed the wall.dorrway.wood block missing LODs
Fixed a case where stairs block prevents floor spawn
added WIP cloud city buildings to cloud city scene, tweaked cloud shaders to be more cartoony and sit better in skybox.
Fixed some missing scripts
Fixed some icons not showing on crosshair info
Added some missing icons
Removed unneeded code
Rebuilt wall.doorway.wood (broken merge?)
Added missing byte to float conversion to biome texture generation
Further optimizations on stairs blocks lods
Removed TerrainNormalMap (get normals from TerrainHeightMap on the fly, height map also stores normal texture now)
Removed the need for normal map decoding at level start (no more need for texture decompression hackery)
Fixed not playing wounding animation when crouched
Reduced health of twig blocks
Fixed guide sometimes not changing when using bluepint
Reduced chance of surviving a wounding
Added lods on two halfheight blocks
-fixed stone pickaxe not playing the hit_attack animation
fixed some bugs with the view model hatchet "hit_attack" not playing
Bullet impact volume tweaks
Less pitch variation on gunshots
improved the flinches for the horse and stag
New celebration cameras, WIP transitions
Updating wounded player anim source
forgot one thing in this bad boy twig
merge from building_skins2
Fix for the invisible floors issue
tweaked textures and lighting on cloud city court, changed skybox and camera dof settings.
Added some lightweight compression to a couple of terrain maps
Merging wounded stuff into main
reduce mouse sensitivity on wounded
Snow is no longer treated as an overlay
Metal breakable meshes & prefab integration
Top Tier breakable meshes & prefab integration
Added skeleton flags
Define which types of attacks/damages cause a wounding
Can properly change other players clothes via looting
Offset starting position of wounded anim so head lands at 0,0
Fixed spazzy ragdolls (thanks Anthony Yakovlev @ unity)
Fixed corpses sometimes being unlootable
Wounded UI
Don't show crosshair unless it's appropriate
- Increased size of turret projectiles
- Bowel bag explosions now hurt the player
Fixed player model sometimes being in the wrong place when sleeping
made some improvements to the 3rd person spear animations for idle/running/jogging