250,268 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Playing with SeasonManager prototype.
emulator graph toggle state is saved in playerprefs
emulator graph toggle state is saved in playerprefs
Fixed character getting the jumping / landing camera shake for tiny liftoffs (like some fairly flat slopes)
Don't report [EAC] Authed when they've just been kicked
Reject joins with obviously invalid steamids
Fixed connecting from server list (changed with steamworks_net)
Sure you changed those files Unity. Sure you did.
Moved Editor script causing compile error
Tweaked old U4 terrain shader for seasons testing. Added new test island. Switched project back to DX9.
Updated steam libraries to sdk 1.31
Fixed burlap trousers again
Added player_rig_scalebones.fbx for artists
updated player_rig_scalebones source file
Fixed playercounts in server list (wasn't reading tags properly)
Recompiled plugins (for andre)
Fixing bugs in geometry still...
Switched Play/Pause and Start/Stop Recording buttons to single toggles, partial implementation of Package Game button.
Switched Play/Pause and Start/Stop Recording buttons to single toggles, partial implementation of Package Game button.
Tweaked player movement (mainly animation events and jump conditions)
GroupController now spawns units properly.
Fixed missing skinned mesh renderer reference on hazmat_pants
Deleted some name conflict files that never should have been committed
Updated Steamworks.NET native library platform settings
tweaked mesh to remove clipping
fixed hazmat pants prefab ( which broke when updating the mesh)
Refactored game packaging to involve less repetition.
Refactored game packaging to involve less repetition.
fiixed issues with hazmat pants mesh + added scale bone for waist
Relocated game packaging to GameAPI.
Relocated game packaging to GameAPI.
Added a NavMesh.SamplePosition to the GroupController spawn routines. Units now correctly spawn on valid navmesh positions. Removed GroundController.
Removed SteamNative - changed to Steamworks.Net - this could hurt for a day or two
Emulator can now load packaged games again.
Emulator can now load packaged games again.
Made the config file load on startup
Added a basic graphics bandwidth graph to the emulator.
Added a basic graphics bandwidth graph to the emulator.
Hideous fix for requiring System.Drawing in GameAPI.BudgetBoy.
Hideous fix for requiring System.Drawing in GameAPI.BudgetBoy.
Reverted changes to TerrainCollisionTrigger - cuz it didn't fix shit
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Implemented resource hotloading.
Implemented resource hotloading.
Added radiation effects to camera
Added geiger sounds
[ultimate_soldier] minor tweak on visual gun kick
[ultimate_soldier] minor tweak on visual gun kick
Made player ragdoll ignore collisions with player movement