8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
* Fixed SetPos and SetAngles crashinh with math.huge and tonumber("nan")
* GitSync
* Fixed SWEPs not being fried by some NPCs
* Fixed the "Setting Holdtype to empty string" problem
* Added 3 new backgrounds from the last 3 update posts
* GitSync
* Fixed Custom Bullet Tracers not applying in some cases
* Fixed collision box for all weapons not being rotated properly
* Fixed Weapons with SF_WEAPON_START_CONSTRAINED spawnflag not being constrained
* Fixed debugoverlay.BoxAngles 6th parameter (color)
* Updated language files
* GitSync
* util.TraceLine now hits player hitboxes outside of collision bounds
* NPCs now use the ai_weapon_* counterparts when given HL2 weapons with NPC:Give()
* Fixed a crash problem with NPC player companions
* Fixed func_tank custom ammo types ( Fixes Episode 2 Auto Turret )
* Fixed npc_strider not dealing damage with his fast minigun attack
* Fixed server workshop downloads persisting after disconnecting from a server while downloading server workshop addons and connecting to another
* GitSync
* Added Player.SetLaggedMovementValue
* Added Player.GetLaggedMovementValue
Fixed a crash problem with all PhysObj functions when called on invalid PhysObj
* Possibly fixed a physics crash
* Fixed glass PHX panels igniting when shot
* Fixed a PHX material (zc_tube.vmt) having bad symbols
* Fixed models/noesis/donut.mdl erroring to console when spawned
Properly fixed bullet hit detection