6,561 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.09cph!
Add position printout to vrad's "Zero area child patch" message
Fixed RichText clickable panels never being clickable if the first character is a new line
Make Entity.SetLayerPlaybackRate and Entity.Set/GetLayerWeight shared (currently only intended to be used on players as a trial)
Added Entity.GetLayerPlaybackRate (shared)
cherry-pick subrect case insensitivity
RichText: Default color to black, not 0, 0, 0, 0
Fixed CNavArea.ConnectTo crashing the game when we could not compute a direction between the 2 nav areas
RichText: Fixed clickable text becoming unclickable if the currently rendering text ranges start with a clickable text
RichText: Use clickable text font height for clickable text overlay panels
Added Panel.SetUnderlineFont( font ), sets the clickable text font for RichText panels
RichText: Fixed selection being offset from cursor with clickable text using a different font to the rest of the text
RichText: Skip newline as first character when copying text (from GO branch)
Added a crappy replacement for missing font underline
Update DefaultUnderline font to match Default's weight so that RichText URLs don't break text selection/look weird
Include WorkshopID for the "There is no file to mount" error message
Add errno printout to gmad.exe's 0 filesize error
Fixed Entity.TranslatePhysBoneToBone not working on ai_serverragdolls 1 ragdolls
Fixed DListView's non sortable columns creating duplicate panels
gmad.exe will complain and bail if it fails to get file's size instead of writing 0
gmad.exe -nocrc will skip CRC calculations when creating addons
largeaddressaware for gmad 32bit
Updated SourceScheme.res with fixes for x64 srcds UI
Added GM.PostEntityTakeDamage( ent, dmginfo, tookDamage )
Automatically remove FCVAR_ARCHIVE from replicated convars clientside
Added Entity.LookupPoseParameter( name ) = id
Added NPC.GetCurWaypointPos()
Added NPC.GetNextWaypointPos()
Added 3rd argument to Player.SetFOV - requester entity
Added Entity.GetHitBoxHitGroup( hotbox, set )
Added Player.SetLastHitGroup( group )
Only allow boost in forward direction and only if we are not recovering from previous boost
Undo ignoreZ and alphatest changes to Effect Rings as they cause unwanted behavior
Force lowercase map names on changelevel/map
Do not add .sw.vtx files to download list
Do not complain about undefined water overlays in console
Improvements to SetCanZoom not blocking weapon fire when set to false
Fix crossbow zoom issue with recent +zoom changes
Minor changes to Workshop subscriptions
Do not reset angles/position/speed when unparentiing entities since it causes unexpected results
Sandbox's prop_effect will now change its color if the player is looking at it, indicating which/if prop_effect will be pick up via physgun/toolgun
Hopefully improved Z-fighting issues with prop_effect's rings, when multiple are in proximity
Extract fonts from workshop addons for server downloads too!
ALLOW using Model keyvalue on Zombie NPCs
Enable steamworks.Publish
User friendly errors for new subscriptions while in-game.
gmad.exe will bail and won't write bad.gma if we failed to grow the .gma buffer to fit all its contents
CreateMaterial changes will break addons, it needs to free materials when leaving a server instead
Let's try this one more time - Refresh the custom created material after updating its values
CreateMaterial no longer applies values to materials that already exist
Do not mount addons UPLOADED or UPDATED with old tools after 25th Jan 2020
▉█▍'▅ ██▅▆▆ █▋▄▊ ▊▆▋▆▆ ▋█▆▋▌▋ ▌▍ ▇▉ ▋▌▇▉▄▊▅ █▆▌▄▄▌
Reapply FCVAR_ARCHIVE to gmod_language
TTT: fix infinite traitor selection loop in case of bad cvar value
TTT: Remove unused exploitable concommand "wepswitch"
Added Entity.GetNWVarTable()
▍▄▅█▊▊▋▊▆▋▇▇▄▆▇▆█▅▄▍▇▍█ ▌▇▉▍█ ▍▊▉▄▄▅▇ ▆▍▋█▍█▌▆▊▇▆▆▊█ ▋▅ █ ▊▇▆▍▉▇▅▅ ▊▆▊▉ ▆▆▇▌▍▅▆ ▊▋▅▉▉▊
Fix "missing file" error with gmpublish.exe
Do not try to download hidden/non existent addons
Do not show "Transferred X bytes in 10 seconds" unless there's a problem
Added timeouts to WorkshopDL that will stop waiting indefinitely for Workshop item info / file to download.
don't invalidate materials that already when CreateMaterial is called (racey)