6,561 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.09cph!
hud_draw_fixed_reticle is no longer saved across sessions
▆▋▆▋▉▋▋ ▍▌▊▋▋▅▍▊ ▌▊▌ ▆▋▉█▍▋▄▍ ▍▉█▅▍ ▉▍▋'▄ ▄▋▋ ▆▉▅▆▍▉▅ ▇▋▄▇ █▍▆█ █ ▉▌▌▉'▊ ▉▋▅█▋▊
Reset tickrate on client on disconnect
Added Panel:IsWorldClicker()
Sandbox Desktop Widgets feature (Context Menu icons like Player Model Selector) no longer prevents properties system from being able to target entities, and will automatically stretch to fit its contents with too many icons
Fixed prop_vehicle_crane's interference with vehicle 3rd person camera and properties system
Added safeguards for Player.GetVehicle not returning a vehicle in properties system (Community Contribution)
Limit blursize of surface.CreateFont to 0-80 inclusive to avoid crashes
rename NA_STEAM -> NA_P2P
rename netadr_t::IsSteam -> netadr_t::IsP2P
█▅▊▅▍█ █▆▇█▇▍▊, _█▍▋▅▆█▊▅, ▊▌█. ▅▄▄▍▉▋▋▍▇ ▆▋▋▄▍▍ ▆▊▅▅▄▍▇ ▇██▅▆ ▋▄▌▆▌ ▆▆ ▍▍▇ █▋▊▋
update to latest steam api
Fixed progression stopper at c3a2d from half life source
Changes to Vehicle.CheckExitPoint to make it functional (docs on wiki)
▋▊▆▅█▋ ▉▉█▍ █▋▄▍█▆.▆▇▉█▌▄▇▋▍ ▋█▅█▍▅▋
Fixed ENT.Use not working for "ai" SENTs
ai.GetTaskID returns non global values
Delete Entity.GetEntityToWorldTransformMatrix
Entity.GetParentToWorldTransformMatrix => Entity.GetParentWorldTransformMatrix to match existing Entity.GetWorldTransformMatrix
Added Entity.GetParentToWorldTransformMatrix and Entity.GetEntityToWorldTransformMatrix
serverlist.AddCurrentServerToFavorites uses proper appid
RCON no longer accepts and reads from clients when there is no password set on the server
RCON will drop connections that try to send too much data
Correct Bass.dll error code to string definitions
Update bass.dll to a SUPER SECRET version for potential crash fix
Fixed a crash issue with weapon_striderbuster
surface.CreateFont's maximum size is now 255 (from 128)
DHorizontalScroller no longer errors when its children are missing the ApplySchemeSettings hook definition
HandleAnimEvent now works for "ai" NPCs too
Adjusted 3rd person seating positions for Jalopy and Crane models
merge from prerelease (npc_barnacle/language changes)
prop_vehicle_crane is now considered a vehicle by Lua
█▉▉▉_▅▌▄▅▆▇▌_▄▊█▌ ▇▇▅█▋▅ ▇▅▄▌▊▅▇▉▆▅▇▅▄▉▍▇▊ ▄█▇ ▊▅▅▆▇▋▇ ▇▌ ▇_▋▆▊█▄█▉▋▉▋ ▊▉▄ ▅▉ ▍▊▌▍▄▋▅▍ █▉▅▄▌█▍▋, ▍▋▌█▅█▊▉▉▌▌▉▊▊▄▅▍▊▇▅██▌▊▊▆▆::▍▌█▋▇▊ ▍▋▌▅▊█▉ ▍▇▇▅▌▉▇▋▉▄▄▅▅▌▇█▌ ▆▌▍ ▆▋▊▄▅▉▍ ▋▍ ▅_▄▇▆▌▅▄▄▊▋▄ ▍█▇
Use HTML over DHTML for ToS and Privacy Policy popups
Added Entity.GetEntityInUse
Certain player weapons (hl1, bugbait, etc) are no longer removed on map cleanup
Entity.LookupAttachment returns 0 instead of nil for entities marked for deletion
Removed CurTime from "Downloaded X of X Lua files" loading screen message
Force net_maxroutable to its default value on level init to hopefully fix getting stuck on the loading screen
Reset active gamemode on client after exiting a server
DCategoryList.SetBackgroundColor now has an effect
lua_error_url is reset when player starts a local multiplayer game
clientside Lua errors will no longer be sent to servers from previous client connection
lua_error_url will receve the proper GMod version instead of being 167 at all times.
▊▄▄▌▍ ▆▆▍▊▆▍▄▇ ▄▌▍▅▍▌▊ ▅█ ▆█▊▌▋▊▄▇█▍▉▊▆▌▇.▊▊▆
Fixed size variables for some addon filesystem stuff to match gmad/gmpublish
Gmad - auto ignore thumbs.db and desktop.ini
Updated VRAD to the latest TF2 version we have (Feb 2016) StaticProp lightmaps are currently disabled
Clientside only sents now have their proper classname
Basic support for clientside only entities, anim sents only
Added ents.CreateClientside
Fix auto hl2_episodic 1/0
More reliably call OnEntityCreated on client mostly for players
OnEntityCreated is called when one would expect it to be called - when the entity is created
Added env_wind.SetWindDir( int )
DoImpactEffect for ANIM entities
npc_metropoilce will acknowlegde existence of multiple players in multiplayer.