6,561 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.09cph!
Automated Linux Build #75
Automated Linux DS Build #74
Fixed a movement issue introduced by the previous change to player movement on moving props
Automated Linux DS Build #73
Automated Windows Build #73
Automated Linux Build #73
Automated Linux DS Build #72
▊▇▄▄▍▋▌: ▊█▌▊▉ ▅▆█ ▅▅▆▉█▇█ █▆▊▉ ▍▊█ █▅▆▄▇▍▍, ▉▇ ▊▋▄█ ▅▅ ▋▌▄ #█▅▄▅▅ ▄▌▆▅
Automated Windows Build #72
Automated Linux Build #72
Fixed a client crash issue with some crap ragdoll models ( unreasonable position )
Automated Linux DS Build #71
Automated Windows Build #71
Automated Linux Build #71
Automated Linux DS Build #70
- Fixed Player:GetEyeTrace not working correctly with lag compensation
- Ground speed for NPCs now takes model scale into account
- Fixed prediction errors when walking or attempting to sprint while crouched
- Slightly improved player movement on moving props so they are less likely to be ejected
- Fixed particle systems not obeying some attach types correctly
- Fixed scenes not playing in some cases
- Fixed some issues with player movement prediction
Automated Windows Build #70
- Fixed Player:GetEyeTrace() not working correctly with lag compensation
- Moved GetConVarNumber and GetConVarString to Lua for better performance
Automated Linux DS Build #69
Automated Windows Build #69
Automated Linux DS Build #68
Automated Windows Build #68
Automated Linux DS Build #67
Automated Linux Build #67
Uncheat Gravity Gun convars
Automated Windows Build #66
Unlink libsteam.so on linux, DUMBO
Automated Linux DS Build #65
Automated Windows Build #65
Automated Linux DS Build #64
Automated Linux Build #64
Automated Windows Build #64
Automated Linux DS Build #63
Automated Linux Build #63
Automated Windows Build #63
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Automated Linux DS Build #62
Automated Linux Build #62
Automated Windows Build #62
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Automated Linux DS Build #61