8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
* Removed FCVAR_CHEAT flag from cl_drawhud
* Fixed SetupWorldFog & SetupSkyboxFog not being called if the fog was not enabled beforehand by console commands or the map
* Fixed IsOnFire flag not resetting
* Fixed FOV being stuck on some HL2 maps
* Added Blade Symphony to the mountable game list ( Please test )
* Removed addons.txt and gamemodes.txt as they were not used
* Fixed gamemodes not loading properly from legacy addons
* Mount Games after addons, not before
Rollback displacement alpha changes
Fixed displacement alpha being inverted in Hammer
Added Build_Tools.bat to build Mapping and Modelling tools
Added detail.vbsp for hammer
Updated garrysmod.fgd to use new icons
Added icons for the fgd