8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
Dynamic Render To Texture shadow angles
Added LuaLocomotion:Set/GetGravity()
Treesway for unlitgeneric, because we can
Shared DTVars for testing
Updated TTT to its latest version
▊▄▍▉.▄▆▋▋▍▇▊▊▆▌▊▌▋█ ▊▌▌ ▅▊▄▆▆▊:▌▅██▉▊▄▅▆▄ ▄▉▌▇▌ ▅▇▌▇▅▊▆ ▆▋▅▄█▄█▇▌▇▌▊▌ ▉▉▌▄ ▄▆▋▇▋▊▍ ▌▉▄▍▇▆▌ ▄▄▊▍▋▇▉▆▍ (▊▍ ▅▋▊▅ █▆ ▊▉▋▇▍▌▌█ ▄▆▅▌ ▄▉▄▊█ ▋▉▅▊ ▋▉▉ ▌▆▅█)
Entity.PhysicsDestroy on ragdolls no longer crashes the game
Restored func_traintrain's control HUD (Can be disabled by gamemodes via HUDShouldDraw)
(Added gmods own scripts/hud_textures.txt)
Fixed CSS ladders and Physgun's +use allowing you to fly into air indefinitely
Fixed some weapons (RPG, AR2, HL1 357, Glock, Shotgun) spamming sounds underwater while holding RMB
Disable hull trace surface prop fix, it causes crashing issues
Fixed Entity.Activate on a SetModelScaled ragdolls causing a crash (It still won't scale ragdolls)
Added ITexture.IsErrorTexture
Fixed Player.Give's second argument soft-breaking non clip using weapons such as build in frag nades
Restore non HDR depth buffer range to 192 from 8192 for now
Fixed CTransitionTable::OverrideBlendSeparateAlpha and mat_fillrate
Icon editor loads bodygroups from picked models
Do the same for tools themselves (Faceposer, material)
Disable pattern searching for tools (and props/entities) in spawnmenu
Cherrypick some vital fixes for a hotfix
█▌▉▊▅ ▉▇ ▄▋▍▅▅▅▊ ▌▇▍▄ ▇▄▉▋▍█▋ ▆▇▉▋▌▌▍ ▄▊ ▉▉▍▊▋▄▌ ▋▇_▄█▉▋▉▌ ▆▍▉ ▄▍▅▊▌ ▅▍ ▌▅▋▆▍▄▆▅█ ▄▆▇▆▆▇▆
Fix filtered out entities (on map cleanup) not increasing internal counter for MapCreationID()
Clientside only physics scrape sounds (for example from prop gibs) play properly at the entity location, not at world origin
Restore SWEP networking fix
Temporarily undo changeset 6235
Fixed a memory leak in engine traces
GitHub Pull Requests:
TTT: Optimized type checks (#1596)
Weapon inheritance doesn't error when baseclass weapon has non table values (#1586)
Some very minor code cleanups (PRs #1606 #1603 #1602 #1504)
Some Derma functions no longer pollute global table (#1598)
Moved GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage definition to init.lua from shared.lua (#1600)
Changed default bidning for Alt from "Last Weapon" to "Slow walk" (#1559)
Default SWEP:ShootBullet now has 3 optional arguments - ammo_type, force, tracer
breaks sweps again for now
DListView_Column.SetFixedWidth with negative values doesn't freeze the game
cherry pick the vehicle fix from main
Fix NPC driven vehicles not driving
merge bass changes into prerelease
Fixed Entity.MapCreatedID() and Entity.CreatedByMap() being set a bit too late for GM:EntityKeyValue
Enable BASS_CONFIG_DEV_DEFAULT to switch output device on device loss
Add FCVAR_CHEAT flag to host_timescale
Improve display of Floating Addons in Addons menu (and don't error)
Fixed certain addons in Addons menu displaying [unknown] author after successfully getting the correct author on initial sighting
Also get rid of the channels stuff
Disable BASS device changing for now
Global var getters and setters use exactly the same logic to determine if its a global var or not
Do not reinit bass if we are on the fake no sound device
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windows SDL builds work again